lllCHAPTER 7MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATIONWhen you have read and understood this chapter, you should be able to answerthe following learning objectives:Describe the roles of the higher level navallorganizations that oversee ship maintenance andrepair.lDescribe casualty reporting (CASREP) andcasualty correction (CASCOR) programs.lExplain the monitoring and follow-up programswithin the CASREP program.Explain the Detection, Action, and ResponseTechnique (DART program.Describe the Fleet Modernization Program(FMP).Describe the Ship Alteration Status (SAS) andthe Ship Alteration Return Cost Analysis(SARCA) programs.This chapter covers the various organizations andfunctions that affect ship engineering operation andmaintenance at all levels of organization. We will lookfirst at the several echelons of management above theindividual ship level. Each of these higher levelechelons includes an engineering, maintenance, orlogistics subdivision, depending on its purpose in theNavy organization. Generally, they formulate and fundrepair and overhaul functions and promulgate and/orimplement the basic policies and procedures thatgovern those activities.ENGINEERING MANAGEMENTBefore we can understand the overall managementof naval ship engineering, we need to know how theechelons above the ship level function and what effectthey have on ship engineering departments. In thissection, we’ll discuss the roles of those organizationsand activities.NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMANDThe Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command(COMNAVSEASYSCOM), is responsible to the Chiefof Naval Material (CNM) for the design, acquisition,maintenance, and repair of ships and craft assigned tothe operating forces according to Navy regulations anddirectives. COMNAVSEASYSCOM may carry outthose duties by assigning work to naval shipyards orprocuring from private industry. For the latter purpose,he is designated as a contracting officer with authorityto make and administer contracts for materials andservices. He, in turn, delegates that authority to theDirector of Contracts and to individuals within thedirector’s office. The Superintendent of Shipbuilding(SUPSHIP) is delegated authority to award contractsfor repair and alteration of vessels and to issue joborders for those purposes. The Ship Repair ContractingManual (Repair Manual), NAVSEA 0900-079-5010,explains this authority. These contracts are known asmaster ship repair (MSR) contracts. OnlyCOMNAVSEASYSCOM and those he delegates cancommit the government to any contract for the Navy.COMNAVSEASYSCOM also acts as coordinatorof shipbuilding, conversion, and repair for theDepartment of Defense (DOD). He acts in a similarcapacity for the Department of Commerce on shiprepair and conversion.NAVAL SHIP ENGINEERINGCENTERThe Naval Ship Engineering Center (NAVSEC)was established in 1966 to “split out” functional7-1
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