When the hose teams are ready to enter a space,
HOSEMAN.-- As a hoseman, you will have
you will open the door, hatch, or scuttle. There are
several duties. You will wear an OBA. You will run the
times when you have to clear a route so that the fire
attack hose from the fireplug to the scene, and you will
party can gain access to the fire. If the space is locked,
keep the hose from getting fouled while fighting the fire.
you will have to decide which forcible-entry tools to
The nozzleman will be able to handle the hose and
use. Once entry has been made, you will stand by to
nozzle better if you keep the weight and tension of the
assist where needed until the on-scene leader gives
hose off the nozzleman. Your other duties include the
orders to otherwise.
relaying of spoken messages and orders between the
on-scene leader and the nozzleman. You will assume the
STRETCHER-BEARER.-- If you are assigned
duties of the reflash watch when directed to do so. After
as a stretcher-bearer, you will be required to take the
the fire is out, overhauled, and the space is safe to enter,
repair locker first-aid kit, or box, to or near the scene. If
you will help clean up the compartment. In the event of a
medical department personnel are available, you will
collision or flooding, you will be on the shoring detail.
help them in administering first aid, as required. In the
There you will reinforce weakened bulkheads, brace
absence of medical department personnel, you will
warped watertight closures, and patch holes in
render basic first aid and then assist in the evacuation of
bulkheads and piping. Shoring, plugging, and patching
injured personnel to battle dressing stations.
procedures will be discussed in a later chapter.
FIRE BOUNDARYMEN.-- Fire boundarymen
PLUGMAN.-- As the plugman, you will connect
proceed directly to the scene when a fire is called away
the hose to the fireplug. When directed to do so and
while the nozzle is closed, open the fireplug valve to
directed by the repair party leader or fire marshal. They
activate the hose. You will need to keep an eye on the
secure all doors, hatches, and openings in the boundary
hose for loss of water pressure or a hose rupture. In the
of the fire area. They remove or relocate combustibles
event of loss of water pressure, make a report to the
as required. They cool boundaries with hoses as
on-scene leader and secure the plug. In the event of a
required. They are normally monitored by and report to
ruptured fire hose, secure the fireplug, replace the
the roving investigators.
ruptured section of hose, and reactivate the hose as
When acting as setter during a fire, you will need a
quickly as possible. You may be involved in rigging a
means to keep the bulkheads and decks cool. A fire
jumper hose or in setting up portable pumps.
hose is normally used if available. Otherwise, you may
E L E C T R I C I A N . -- W h e n t h e r e i s fi r e o r
use a bucket of water and a swab.
flooding, the repair party electrician will immediately
In the case of flooding, the first set of watertight
secure electrical power to all compartments that are
transverse bulkheads forward and aft of the flooded
affected by the casualty. The electrician will report to
the on-scene leader when the electrical power is
acting as boundary setter during flooding, you will
secured. The electrician is responsible for the plugging
have to keep a watchful eye on the situation. If a closure
in, energizing, and de-energizing of the electrical
or seam begins to leak or if the bulkhead starts panting,
submersible pumps, and any other electrical
report it to the on-scene leader.
equipment required. Other members of the fire party
may set up the equipment for use; however, they are not
to plug in, energize, or de-energize the equipment.
film-forming foam (AFFF) station operator ensures
Once the casualty is corrected, the electrician will
that there is a constant supply of AFFF to the hose team
investigate the compartments for electrical damage
for fire fighting. You must be knowledgeable in the
when directed to do so by the on-scene leader. The
operation of your ship's AFFF system, and you will
electrician will complete repairs to vital electrical
refill the AFFF tank as necessary. To qualify as an
systems as soon as possible. Repairs to nonvital
AFFF station operator, you must complete the required
electrical systems will be completed as time allows.
ACCESSMAN.-- If you are assigned as the
PHONE TALKER.-- If you are assigned as a
accessman you will open doors, hatches, and clear
phone talker, you will report to DCC, the repair locker,
routes as necessary to provide access to the fire when
or other stations such as the bridge. You will man the
directed by the scene leader. You may use forcible
phone between your supervisor at your location and
entry equipment such as dogging wrenches, pry bars,
other stations. You will receive messages from other
phone talkers and relay them to your supervisor.
bolt cutters, or exothermic torch.