ships. Not all of these circuits are found on smaller
Ship Information Book for your ship. Various
ships. The circuits discussed here include only those
communication methods will be discussed in this
that are of particular importance in damage control
chapter. However, the information given here must be
regarded as general in nature; it does not apply to all
CIRCUIT 2JZ is the damage and stability control
types of ships.
circuit. This circuit provides vital communication
between DCC, engine rooms, repair stations, weapons
control center, and other critical stations. Each repair
The battle telephone circuits are sound-powered
party circuit has an outlet in DCC. These circuits may
circuits. Therefore, they require no outside source of
connect through selector switches, individual jack
boxes, or a combination of both. The latter arrangement
telephone transforms sound waves into electrical
is preferred because it permits the manning of each
energy. The receiver transforms this electrical energy
circuit by individual phone talkers. When the
back into corresponding sound waves.
combination of the selector switch and individual jack
E a c h s o u n d - p ow e r e d c i r c u i t p r ov i d e s
boxes is used, the 2JZ circuit is preferably used as an
communication between certain designated stations.
outgoing circuit. Information and orders from DCC are
Each circuit consists of telephone jack outlets
passed to the repair parties. Each individual repair party
connected by a line or lines. The connection may be
circuit thus becomes an incoming circuit into DCC.
direct or it may be through intermediate equipment
Therefore, the DCA either receives information or
such as switchboards, switch boxes, or transfer
orders action to be taken on any message carried over
switches. Some of the vital circuits can be
any individual repair party circuit.
cross-connected with other circuits.
When individual repair party circuits come into
The sound-powered battle telephone system is
DCC only through a selector switch or when individual
made up of five types of circuits--primary, auxiliary,
phone talkers are not available, the system must be
supplementary, emergency, and miscellaneous.
reversed so that the 2JZ circuit becomes the incoming
S o u n d - p ow e r e d t e l e p h o n e s a r e a l s o c l a s s i fi e d
channel for information. The individual repair party
according to the type of control as follows:
circuits receive only such information or orders from
DCC that is intended specifically for them. This may
1. Switchboard-type circuits are controlled from
prevent repair party officers from receiving all of the
a switchboard at a central location.
information being sent to other repair parties.
2. Switch box-type circuits are controlled from a
In smaller ships, only a single circuit may be
switch box located at the station exercising
available. In this situation, both incoming and outgoing
operational control over the circuit.
messages must be handled over it. It is also possible that
3. String-type circuits have all stations connected
this circuit will not be primarily or entirely a damage
in parallel, with no switching provided.
control circuit. The major controlling station must
establish control of this circuit. This will ensure an
The primary, auxiliary, and supplementary circuits
orderly flow of communication. The circuit must never
of the ship's battle telephone system are permanently
be allowed to get out of control as a result of cross-talk
installed. These circuits have outlets located at
when more than one station assumes priority. The
numerous critical locations throughout the ship. The
controlling station must be able to clear the circuit
emergency circuits are string-type circuits, which have
permanently installed jack boxes. These
whenever the need arises.
"salt-and-pepper lines" are stored on a reel and are
strung from a sound-powered jack box to the location
CIRCUIT 3JZ provides communication between
of the casualty.
Repair 1 and DCC, secondary DCC, topside battle
dressing station, and each unit patrol station associated
Primary Circuits
with Repair 1.
The number of primary circuits used within the
CIRCUIT 4JZ provides communication between
sound-powered battle telephone system varies among
Repair 2 and DCC, secondary DCC, forward battle
ships. The size and type of your ship normally
dressing station, each unit patrol station forward of
determines the choice of circuits. The primary circuits
engineering compartments, fire pump controllers
discussed here are normally found on large combatant