are times when a person will have to assume other
5. Be positioned where best able to control the fire
responsibilities. As an example, the nozzleman is
injured while fighting a fire. The hoseman then takes
the nozzleman's place. The nozzleman is evacuated
b e s t m e a n s . Wi r e - f r e e c o m m u n i c a t i o n
from the scene and another person replaces the
(WIFCOM), where available.
hoseman. The responsibilities of some personnel
remain the same for fires, collisions, and flooding.
7. Determine the protective clothing requirement
H ow eve r, y o u d o n o t n e e d a fi r e fi g h t e r i n a
for the fire party, based on assessment of
compartment that is completely flooded. So the
conditions found.
assignments of the nozzlemen, hosemen, and some
TEAM LEADER.-- As the team leader, you will
other personnel will change to accommodate the
direct the efforts of attack teams to extinguish or
emergency situation at hand.
overhaul a fire. You must know the layout of the
The following information is a brief description of
affected space, and be aware of any hazards. You will
the responsibilities and requirements of various key
direct personnel while using the Naval Firefighter's
fire party personnel. The equipment mentioned in this
Thermal Imager (NFTI). Conditions within the space
section will be discussed in more detail later in this
will include reduced visibility; sometimes there will be
nonresident training course (NRTC).
no lighting and often there will be smoke or steam. You
will direct nozzlemen and hosemen around hazards,
FIRE MARSHAL.-- When there is a fire the fire
following specific routes to reach the source of the fire.
marshal shall proceed directly to the scene of the fire to
Once the fire is extinguished, you will use the NFTI to
direct efforts of the rapid response team. If the fire is
observe for hot spots and to complete overhaul of the
beyond rapid-response team capabilities, the fire marshal
space. You will relay reports of conditions by word of
shall turn duties over to the scene leader and assume other
mouth to the on-scene leader.
duties as directed. These duties may include:
Being repair party leader.
INVESTIGATOR.-- Investigators are assigned to
repair lockers to ensure that no further damage occurs
Supervising the establishment and maintenance
Investigators normally operate in pairs, travel assigned
routes, and report conditions to the repair locker. As an
investigator, you will ensure that the boundaries around
the casualty are maintained, and that further damage is
Providing direct logistic support. The fire
not occurring. It may be necessary for you to access
marshal must assume a "big picture" role upon
locked spaces to ensure their integrity, and you will
being relieved by the scene leader providing
carry tools to open these spaces. You must have an
particular attention to the potential for vertical
in-depth knowledge of the ship's layout and the systems
fi r e s p r e a d . T h e fi r e m a r s h a l w i l l m a ke
that are in your assigned area. To qualify as an
recommendations for additional personnel or
investigator, you must complete the required PQS.
GQ as required by the magnitude of the casualty.
NOZZLEMAN.-- As the nozzleman, you will
man the attack hose nozzle. You will be directed by the
ON-SCENE LEADER.-- The on-scene leader is
team leader through the compartment to extinguish the
the person in charge at the scene. When a fire is "called
fire. For your protection, you will be required to wear
away," the scene leader will proceed immediately to the
an OBA. Once the fire is extinguished and a reflash
scene after donning proper protection, equipped to
watch is established, you may be involved in the
assume control of the fire party. The scene leader will
overhaul of the space. You may be involved in
receive reports from team leader and investigators and
conducting atmospheric tests, desmoke the
pass on those reports, as required. The scene leader shall:
compartment, and further investigations for damage.
1. Wear an oxygen breathing apparatus (OBA)
When conducting atmospheric tests, the accessman
equipped with voice amplifier where available.
will check the space for the percentage of oxygen
content and the presence of explosive and toxic gases.
2. Immediately assess extent of fire.
You should be qualified in first aid, the operation of all
3. Determine the firefighting agent to be used.
fire-fighting equipment, and the procedures for
4. Determine the method and direction of attack.
overhauling a fire.