PROTON--A subatomic particle that has a positive
RADIOACTIVE DECAY--A decrease in the level of
electrical charge.
to a more stable condition.
PROTOZOA--Single-celled, animal-like forms that
occur in a variety of shapes and often have
underwater nuclear detonation creates a radioactive
complicated life cycles.
water pool in the area of the detonation. This pool
PROTRACTED EXPOSURE--Those in which doses
expands outward rapidly from SZ, for about 2
are received over a longer period of time, normally
minutes, and continues to expand more slowly.
greater than 24 hours, as a result of exposure to
from a nuclear reaction or nuclear decay.
PURGING--The method by which gases, vapors, or
radiation intensity based on the decay of radioactive
confined space.
P U R P L E - K - P OW D E R ( P K P ) -- P o t a s s i u m
bicarbonate powder used to extinguish class
exposure to nuclear radiation and radioactive
BRAVO and class CHARLIE fires.
QA AUDITS--Audits provide a means of comparing
the records of completed jobs to their requirements
in order to ensure compliance.
and the radioactive intensity of the radiation in the
surrounding area.
QUALIFIED PERSON--A person designated, in
writing, as capable (by education or specialized
RAINOUT--Radioactive rain that results when the
training) of anticipating, recognizing, and
cloud from a nuclear burst joins a rain cloud.
RAPID EXTERNAL SURVEY--Sometimes referred
substances or other unsafe conditions in a confined
to as the gross external survey, is conducted after the
space. This person shall be capable of specifying
rapid internal survey to obtain more precise
necessary control or protective action to ensure
radiation levels at topside vital stations and at
personnel safety.
contaminated areas that are irradiating internal vital
stations. As in the rapid internal survey, the focus is
on getting an accurate measurement quickly at
chloride titrator strips are used to measure salt
action stations and expeditiously reporting the
(chloride) in aqueous solutions.
RAD--A unit of energy absorbed from ionizing
R A P I D I N T E R N A L S U RV E Y -- P e r f o r m e d
radiation absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to
immediately after the cessation of fallout to get an
100 ergs per gram of irradiated material. An added
indication of the severity of the radiation hazard at
factor in the use of a rad is that it expresses the dose
specific locations, primarily action stations. Safe
from any type of radiation, whereas the roentgen
stay times for interior vital stations can be
relates only to gamma radiation or X rays.
calculated based on the rapid internal survey.
RADIAC--The acronym for Radiation, Detection,
RATE OF ACTION--The rate at which a body reacts
Indication, and Computation.
to or is affected by that agent. There is a wide
variation in the rate of reaction to the toxic chemical
RADIATION--Transfer of heat from a source across
agents, even to those of similar tactical or
an intervening space, no material substance is
physiological classifications.
RADIATION SICKNESS--The disease resulting from
the body counteracts the effects of a chemical agent.
excessive exposure of the body to ionizing radiation.
It is an important factor in determining the hazards
RADIOACTIVE CLOUD--A cloud formed from the
of repeated exposure to sublethal doses of toxic
chemical agents.
material that was vaporized in the fireball.