ROENTGEN (R)--A unit of exposure to gamma or
REACTIVE MATERIAL--A solid, liquid, or gas that
X radiation.
is chemically unstable at normal temperature and
air pressure; capable of undergoing violent change
ROLLOVER--A sudden spread of flame through the
when subjected to heat, shock, mixture with water,
unburnt gases and vapors in the upper layer across
or other chemicals.
the overhead of a space.
SAFE STAY TIME--The time personnel can remain
READY SHELTER--If the ship is warned enough in
in the vicinity of a radioactive hot spot without
advance, personnel topside shall be ordered to
exceeding their maximum permissible exposure
ready shelter before the arrival of the base surge or
SAFETY--Safety is a primary concern during all
training events. If an unsafe condition exists, the
training event should be STOPPED until a safe
REFRACTOMETER--Gives accurate readings of
condition is established. During training, planning,
total dissolved solids in aqueous solutions.
and operations, the operational risk management
(ORM) process must be used. The training team
RELAY LANTERNS--Installed throughout the ship to
leaders are responsible for ensuring that proper
procedures are used in planning training events.
REPAIR PARTIES--Qualified shipboard personnel
S C I N T I L L AT I O N -- T h e d i s t o r t i o n o f a ve r y
responsible for executing damage control duties in a
high-frequency electromagnetic signal as it passes
training or actual damage control situation.
through layers of beta particles from a nuclear
explosion at altitudes above 35 miles.
REPAIR PARTY MANUAL--The repair party
manual provides detailed information on the
standard methods and techniques used in damage
hazard that does not develop during the delivery of
control as outlined in NWP 3-20.31.
the agent on target, but develops later.
SECURING MATERIALS--Includes assorted hook
bolts, manila line, wire rope, chain, machine bolts,
and Assistance Bill organizes qualified personnel
angle clips for welding, and shoring. Backup
by duty section or the entire ship to render
materials include mess tables, metal joiner doors,
emergency assistance outside the ship.
buckets, plywood or lumber, sheet metal, and metal
R E S E RV E BU OYA N C Y -- T h e vo l u m e o f t h e
watertight portion of the ship above the waterline.
Expressed as a percentage, reserve buoyancy is the
(SCBA)--Type of respirator that allows the user
ratio of the volume of the above-water body to the
complete independence from a fixed source of air.
volume of the underwater body.
SHELF LIFE--A period of time for which an
R E S I D UA L R A D I AT I O N -- N u c l e a r r a d i a t i o n
instrument can be used without degradation,
released after a nuclear explosion from fission
usually specified by the manufacturer.
products in fallout, rainout, base surge, and
SHIELDING FACTOR--A fraction, always less than
radioactive pool.
SHIP INFORMATION BOOK--When a ship is built
space by the gas free engineer using the same
for the Navy, the builder prepares a ship information
procedures required for initial testing and
book (SIB). The ship's crew uses the SIB to
certification when the certificate expires without
f a m i l i a r i z e t h e m s e l v e s w i t h t h e s h i p 's
characteristics. Normally the SIB will contain the
entry, work, or test and updating of the certificate;
following eight volumes--Hull and Mechanical;
or when conditions occur which alter the initial
Propulsion Plant; Auxiliary Machinery, Piping,
conditions found or specified.
Ventilation, Heating, and Air-Conditioning
R I C K E T T S I A E -- I n t r a c e l l u l a r,
Systems; Power and Lighting Systems; Electronic
microorganisms that are intermediate in size
Control Systems; and Ballasting Systems.
between bacteria and viruses.