irritation of the nose. High concentrations produce
STRETCHER-BEARER--The stretcher-bearer is
irritation of the upper respiratory tract and lungs
required to take the repair locker first-aid kit, or
box, to or near the scene. If medical department
and cause nausea and vomiting. The agents may be
personnel are available, they will help them in
either solids or liquids and may be dispersed in the
administering first aid, as required.
air as vapors or smokes.
STRONGBACK--A bar or beam of wood or metal that
T H E R M A L R A D I AT I O N -- E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c
is used to distribute pressure or to serve as an anchor
emissions in the form of light and heat.
for a patch. The strongback is often shorter than a
burn injuries directly when the skin absorbs radiant
SUBATOMIC PARTICLE--One of the components
energy. It can also cause burn injuries indirectly as a
of which all atoms are composed (electron, proton,
result of fires started by the radiation. The flash of
thermal radiation from the fireball produces direct
bu r n s , c a l l e d f l a s h bu r n s . T h e i n d i r e c t , o r
SUPERSTRUCTURE DECK--A partial deck above
secondary, burns are called flame burns. These
the main, upper, or forecastle deck that does not
burns are like the skin burns that are caused by any
extend to the sides of the ship (if it does, it does not
large fire, no matter what its origin.
have the side plating carried up to it.).
airborne concentrations of physical agents,
related to their principal functions. However, when
expressed in parts per million (ppm), that represent
the circuit is also used for damage control
conditions under which average personnel may be
supplementary circuit.
repeatedly exposed, during normal working hours,
without adverse effects.
confirm or revise stay time calculations. They may
also be ordered to localize hot spots for
a collective protection system that provides
decontamination. Supplementary surveys of
protection against liquid, solid, and gaseous CBR
interior spaces shall include beta monitoring to
TOXIC GAS BILL--The Toxic Gas Bill specifies the
SUPPLY VENTILATION--Moving fresh air into a
procedures and assigns duties and responsibilities
compartment or space and displacing contaminated
for controlling and minimizing toxic gas casualties.
air through any available openings.
TOXIC MATERIAL--A solid, liquid, or gas that can
SURFACE BURST--A nuclear detonation in which the
damage living material, impair the central nervous
fireball is in contact with the surface of land or water.
system, or cause illness or death through inhalation,
ingestion, or skin absorption.
SURFACE ZERO--The point of detonation of a
nuclear surface burst on water.
atmosphere containing a concentration of air
SURVEY--The effort to determine the location and
c o n t a m i n a n t s s u ffi c i e n t t o c a u s e i n j u r y t o
TANGENT--The tangent of the angle θ is the ratio of
TOXICITY--The property of a material to cause
the side opposite the angle θ to the side adjacent.
injury to an organism with the maximum result
being incapacitation or death.
TEAM LEADER--The team leader directs the efforts
TOXICITY LIMITS--The limits of a vapor from a
of attack teams to extinguish or overhaul a fire.
certain minimum concentration (lower limit) to a
TEAR AGENTS--Tear agents (also known as
maximum concentration (upper limit).
riot-control agents) are essentially local irritants,
TOXINS--Poisonous products of living organisms
which, in very low concentrations, act primarily on
that, when inhaled, swallowed, or injected into man
the eyes, causing intense pain and a considerable
or animals, will cause illness or death.
flow of tears; stinging of warm, moist skin; and