Life jackets
Learning Objective: Recall the requirements and
procedures for conducting battle damage analysis and
Hand tools
Electrical tools
To repair battle damage, you must possess
Chain hoist
extensive knowledge of the available damage control
equipment and materials. At the same time, you must
Screw and hydraulic jacks
be able to expeditiously analyze and determine the
Manila line
appropriate corrective actions needed.
Should your ship sustain a damaging hit, the
Forcible entry tools
damage must be investigated immediately. Precise
X40J cable and jack boxes
reports from investigators that are forwarded in an
expeditious manner are critical. These reports allow
Oxygen indicator
key damage control personnel to form a concise picture
Combustible gas indicator (explosimeter)
as to the extent of the damage. This process results in a
determination of what actions are required to localize
Four gas analyzers
and overcome the casualty.
Supplied air respirator with self-contained
breathing apparatus (SAR/SCBA)
Portable Exothermic Cutting Unit (PECU)
Electrical kits
Learning Objective: Identify the various types of
damage control equipment and material and recall the
Rubber boots
maintenance and inventory requirements for each.
Rubber gloves
The equipment and materials required to make
repairs to battle damage vary according to the nature of
Spare electrical cable
the damage. Since several types of damage can occur
Steel wedges
aboard ship, you must know how to use a wide variety
of equipment and materials. The Allowance Equipage
Hose and pipe flanges
List has several repair locker inventory lists for various
Shoring kit and shoring batten
types of ships. A typical repair locker will usually
contain some or most of the following equipment,
Plugging kit
depending upon the ship's allowance:
Pipe-patching kit (soft patches)
18 oxygen breathing apparatus (OBA). Twelve
Blower sleeves
canisters for each OBA and six held in reserve
Prefabricated patches (wood and steel)
Fire-fighter's protective gloves
Sound-powered phones
Basket strainer
Sealed-beam lights
Submersible pump
Battle lanterns
Gas masks
Extension lights
Sounding tapes
defense protective clothing
CBR defense detection equipment and markers