Decontamination equipment
equipment is stowed or installed in its designated
location and that it is readily accessible. Emergencies
Fire rakes and ladders
can be handled much more effectively if the equipment
Nozzles and extra fire hose
is available and if you do not have to waste time
In-line foam eductor
looking for it. The equipment assigned to each repair
locker should be identified in such a way that each of
the items can be returned to that repair locker after they
have been used. A simple color code marking system
On ships that have subgroups, some of
can be used. All tools and equipment that belong to a
this equipment is stowed in the unit lockers.
certain repair locker should be marked with a striped
band or a spot of identifying color of that repair locker.
Additional damage control equipment is dispersed
Damage control equipment should NEVER be
throughout the ship in designated areas. This
used for any purpose other than damage control.
equipment includes the following:
Damage control equipment is located throughout the
Portable gasoline-driven fire pumps (P 100 FIRE
ship, and some people are tempted to use it just because
PUMP) and hoses
it is handy. This must NOT be allowed. All hands are
Fire hose
responsible for damage control and must realize that
their lives may literally depend upon the ready
ava i l a b i l i t y a n d c o n d i t i o n o f d a m a g e c o n t r o l
equipment in an emergency.
Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) cans
CO2 extinguishers
At each repair locker a number of repair kits are
Dry-chemical extinguishers
made up and stowed in canvas bags. These kits are kept
ready to be taken to the scene of damage. The kits
Portable blowers
should be constructed and packaged so they will fit
Submersible pumps
through the smallest watertight scuttle on your ship.
These kits are commonly called plugging kits,
pipe-patching kits, and shoring kits.
Shoring kit
All damage control kits and repair locker
Shoring materials
equipment must be inventoried according to PMS
Plate patches
requirements after each use. Each damage control kit
should have a list of contents attached to the carrying
Battle lanterns
strap. This list makes it relatively simple to inventory
Casualty power cables
the contents of the kit. Any equipment or material
found missing during the inventory should be replaced
a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e . Yo u r s h i p 's C o o r d i n a t e d
Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL) shows the
The damage control organization cannot function
amount of each item that is allowed for the ship. A
without an adequate supply of damage control
stencil on the outside of the bag should identify each
equipment. As a Damage Controlman, you will help to
damage control kit.
ensure that all damage control equipment is available
and in good condition. Frequent inspections are
Extra plugging and pipe-patching kits are made up
required according to Planned Maintenance System
for the engineering spaces. These extra kits are
(PMS) guidelines. These inspections ensure that all
inventoried and maintained by the personnel assigned
damage control equipment, tools, and materials on
to the engineering spaces.
your ship's allowance list are actually on board.
Compare the ship's allowance list with an accurate and
A number of materials are available to plug and
up-to-date inventory list of onboard damage control
equipment. Check to see that all damage control
patch holes and to cover and secure patches. Some of