Following the watch standers' completion of initial actions in response to the leak on the fuel oil purifier inlet
strainer. Vapors get into contact with 1A LOSP motor controller and flash into a Class BRAVO fire. Watch
standers are forced to evacuate when Class BRAVO fire becomes uncontrollable. Primary Halon will be GOOD,
depending on the watch standers' actions. Secondary Halon will be GOOD, depending on the watch standers'
actions. The fire team enters the space to combat the fire, establish a reflash watch, and overhaul the fire.
1. ETT and DCTT will use Channel 4 on ESRS.
2. CCS DCTT will use 1MC in CCS to pass actua
3. Heat stress survey will be conducted at: 1330. The follow-up survey, if required after the drill, will be
conducted according to Navy Safety Precautions for Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19 series.
4. DC1 Sailor and SKC Navy will conduct safety walk through 1 hour before drill. Report any uncorrectable
discrepancies to DCTT coordinator.
5. DCTT members on station time: 1450.
6. NR 1 AFFF will be in recirc with casualty isolation cov closed. NR 2 AFFF will have casualty isolation cov
7. ELECTRICAL DCTT will re-energize the in space 115 VAC circuit LC11-4P-(3-219-2) located in
2-53-1-C after the electrician has successfully demonstrated electrical isolation of that circuit according to
Main Space Fire Doctrine.
1. When all TT members report on station and they are ready to commence the drill, the DCTT will direct ETT to
initiate the drill.
2. The ETT will disclose the leak as briefed.
3. TORCH flash fuel to fire immediately. Impose fire out of control immediately.
4. When the watch stander(s) attempt(s) to activate the AFFF bilge sprinkler, do/do not allow him/her to press the
activation push button. AFFF DCTT will secure it upon sprinkler deactivation. AFFF DCTT discloses AFFF
concentrate tank level decreasing. Flow rate GPM=31.
5. One SPACE ETT will follow the watch stander(s) out of the space. Second SPACE ETT will remain in the space
and secure any remaining operating equipment if required to prevent harm to personnel or machinery.
6. HALON DCTT, when notified by TORCH that a watch stander has actuated HALON, lift the plunger for alarm,
vent the shutdown and motorized damper valve pressure switches, wait 60 seconds, and lift the discharge pressure
switch plunger. TORCH disclose HALON GOOD by displaying a gray rag at the main access and ellison door,
depending on initial actions. If HALON is BAD, CCS DCTT will inform all DCTT and BOUNDARY DCTT.
Place bubble wrap on the deck of general workshop. HALON DCTT will not operate the pressure switches if
HALON activation was not attempted. TORCH place two hot spots in the area of seat of the fire. Human error that
causes HALON BAD will include the following: