Specific instructions for casualty/fault insertion
6. S A F E T Y P R E C AU T I O N S : S a f e t y
precautions should contain at least the following
and alternate if applicable.
statement: "Forces afloat will comply with Navy Safety
Examples of procedures are as follows:
Precautions for Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19
Casualty Insertion: Damage is simulated by the
series." Additional precautions identified during ORM,
hot/cold checks, and other means, such as Naval Ships
use of standard disclosure methods and visual
Technical Manuals (NSTMs) should also be listed.
See EOSS Firemain System Diagram DFM and
An example of a precaution is as follows:
Firemain and Drainage Damage Control Plates
LP air will be vented in OOD Station #3; all
for associated piping information.
personnel must wear hearing protection.
Pipe ruptures will be simulated by isolating the
1. CAUTIONS: Identifies any special care or
port and starboard firemain pressure gauges in
concern associated with insertion points, imposition
repair two, three, and five, and in CCS.
methodology, and impact of the fault or casualty.
At the hit, close the following globe isolation
Examples of cautions are as follows:
valves for damage control central (DCC) remote
Drill insertion will secure firemain flow. Do not
port and starboard pressure transducers:
allow impacted equipment to be damaged.
Sonar dome pressure may be affected due to
isolation of the firemain system. A static FM
pressure (150 psi) should effectively maintain
sonar dome pressure (39.5 +2/-0 psi) throughout
the scenario.
SSGTG cooling, CIWS cooling, and VLS
Open the cap for the transducer test/isolation
deluge and sprinkling system may be affected
connection and release the pressure. Retighten
due to firemain isolation.
the cap and verify the test/isolation connection
Chilled water casualty will effect the following
valve is open.
equipment: (list equipment).
Verbal disclosure of lost or degraded final
HP air will be lost to the AFT VLS launcher, no
protective lines (FPLs), sprinkler systems, CM
wash down, and so forth, will be given upon
tactical impact.
activation of the system and will be done at the
Loss of MER #2 drill execution will require
activation site, if remotely operated, or on site if
emergency shutdown of the gas turbine modules.
locally operated.
Shutdown of the gas turbine, without the normal
The training team member monitoring ship's
5 minutes of operation at idle and when T5.4
temperature during operation was 1250F or
force actions will determine when firemain
higher, may cause uneven cooling of the power
isolation occurs as well as which equipment has
turbine which could adversely affect operation.
been affected.
8. PREREQUISITES: Identifies any special
10. EXPECTED ACTIONS: Describes how or
system setup before drill/fault/casualty insertion
where the casualty/fault will manifest itself.
Examples of prerequisites are as follows:
Examples of expected actions are as follows:
Close valve ALP-V-576 in OOD Station #3
CCS personnel will respond to low-pressure
reading in DCC by sending investigators to
identify break location.
Remove quick-disconnect fitting at LP air
Repair party investigators will identify firemain
pneumatic tool outlet outside of OOD Station #3
leak and flooding, and report to the repair locker.
The isolation team will isolate damaged firemain
description of a procedure should identify the
piping in crew living space 5 (3-310-2-L) by
c l o s i n g va l ve s F M - V- 3 1 9 ( 3 - 3 3 7 - 2 ) a n d
Crew watch condition (if applicable).
FM-V-318 (3-339-2).