The following principles apply to inspections for
all watertight closures:
Comply with Navy Safety Precautions for Forces
Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100 series, which is
found in each work center.
All tag-out procedures shall be according to
current shipboard instructions.
Exercise extreme caution when working around
open trunk areas.
Perform inspection and maintenance
Figure 3-9. Raised watertight hatch.
semiannually or more frequently if adverse
conditions are encountered.
Loose, missing, or damaged parts and parts
traffic area and offset in a corner of a passageway or
compartment. These hatches are usually installed in
showing excessive wear must all be replaced.
compartments, which provide egress by other means.
Damage control petty officers, work center
These hatches do not have escape scuttles. Usually used
supervisors, and zone inspectors should routinely
for stores onload/offload and access for heavy
inspect doors, hatches, and scuttles for the following:
Loose, missing, and damaged parts.
4. Raised Watertight Hatch with Scuttle
(fig. 3-10)--Installed in interior and exterior areas
Paint, rust, and other foreign matter on gaskets,
where rapid access/egress are required. This hatch is
knife-edges, and working parts, such as
usually provided in higher traffic areas than the raised
watertight hatch and is offset in a corner of a
Binding and difficult operations.
passageway or compartment. These hatches have
escape scuttles to provide rapid access/egress. Usually
found above berthing compartments, unmanned
s p a c e s , a n d a l l d e c k l eve l s r e q u i r i n g r a p i d
Hinge pin wear and pins that are not properly
permanent set over 1/8 inch deep, and gaps due
to shrinkage where gasket ends meet.
No more than two joints in gaskets. Lengths of
gasket must be no less than 24 inches in length.
Obstructed access to escape scuttles.
Packing plungers intact and stick packing
adequate (except on closures with
self-lubricated bushings).
Broken or missing spring clips.
Missing special-purpose wrenches (dogging
w r e n c h e s , T- w r e n c h e s , a n d e n g i n e e r ' s
Figure 3-10. Raised watertight hatch with scuttle.