Figure 9-10. Typical CPS System.
The CPS is a system that uses fans as the same
of the ship. The optimum size of CCA spaces should be
purposes as a conventional HVAC system. It also has
approximately 6' x 8'. A larger space can be used if
CBR filters that have the capability to remove CBR
available; however the minimum space is 5' x 7'. The
agents in any form. CPS provides two levels of
space should be adjacent to or as near as possible to the
protection. In total protection (TP) zones, all CBR
outer skin at the weather entrance. If possible, the CCA
should be located just inside the area marked as the
incoming air supply and a slight positive pressure is
Decontamination Station entrance. If suitable interior
space is unavailable, a designated deck area outside the
entering by other routes. Any leakage of air at the zone
superstructure, preferably with overhead cover, can be
boundaries is from the inside out. The air pressure inside
a TP zone is maintained slightly above atmospheric with
high pressure fans that supply air to the zone, with
devices that control the flow of exhaust air from the zone
Some ships do not have a space with these
and with air locks that prevent excessive pressure loss
dimensions available. In these cases, a space
when someone enters or exits the zone. TP zones
with approxi- mately the same square footage
provide a toxic free environment where it is not
will suffice as long as the cutter has enough
necessary to wear protective clothing or masks. Total
room to do his job effectively. CCAs are not
protection may not be affordable in compartments with
intended to be permanent locations and spaces
ex t r e m e l y h i g h a i r f l ow r e q u i r e m e n t s , s u c h a s
with other functions can be used. Alternate
machinery spaces. CPS provides a lower level of safety
spaces must be identified for use in the event
for these areas called limited protection (LP). Chemical
the designated location is unusable due to
and biological aerosols are removed from the incoming
battle damage.
air supply to LP zones by High Efficiency Particulate
Air (HEPA) filters. The standard supply fans do not
create a positive pressure and the HEPA filters do not
entrap chemical agent vapor. A protective mask is
required for protection from chemical agent vapor and
The collective protection system (CPS) is a
the full Chemical Protective Ensemble (CPE) is needed
ventilation system that prevents the entry of airborne
for a chemical vapor hazard that has the capability to be
absorbed through the skin.
into the interior of the ship. Spaces serviced by the
A back-fit version, the Selected Area Collective
ship's CPS (fig. 9-10) can be used as a decon station for
that area of the ship.
Protection System (SACPS) has been developed for