2. Horizontal Audit. These audits are normally
conducted on only one specific area or aspect of the QA
There are several programs that support damage
Program (re-entry control [REC], welding, training,
qualification, or testing). They focus on the particular
control efforts. You may have some responsibility,
area and do not track a job from start to finish as the
either directly or as a supervisor, of these programs.
vertical audit does.
The programs you will most likely be involved in are
the Quality Assurance (QA) Program (to include
Hearing Conservation Program
inspections, reports, and audits), the Hearing
Conservation Program, and the Heat Stress Program.
Hearing loss has been and continues to be a source
of concern within the Navy. Monitoring of the Hearing
Quality Assurance (QA) Program
Conservation Program is the responsibility of the
safety officer. The safety officer's responsibilities
The QA Program is very important to meeting
include the following:
damage control requirements. This program is fully
1. Ensure the program is evaluated for compliance
and effectiveness.
4790. In the following paragraphs we discuss the
formal work and the control work packages which you
2. Maintain a record of noise hazardous areas and
may be often required to compose and complete.
3. On ships having audiometric testing booths
installed, annual certification of the booths and training
work package for the QA Program combines all the
of the audiometric technicians is required.
applicable requirements for a particular maintenance
task. In other words, it provides a plan for getting the
Heat Stress Program
job done safely while meeting the technical
requirements. This action ensures that the complete
The Heat Stress Program establishes Navy policy
scope of work, prerequisites, and preparations are
and procedures for the control of personnel exposure to
heat stress. Heat stress is any combination of air
known before starting the job. You document when the
temperature, thermal radiation, humidity, airflow, and
work is properly completed and the equipment is
workload, which may stress the body, as it attempts to
properly tested and restored to service.
regulate body temperature. The safety officer is also
A controlled work package consists of a formal
responsible for monitoring this program for
work procedure and various quality assurance forms.
These are used to ensure program compliance. These
requirements include work authorization, use of
proper material, and that critical specifications are met
and required tests are satisfactorily completed.
Q10. The purpose of the Rescue and Assistance
Bill is to organize qualified personnel to
QA AUDITS.--Audits provide a means of
provide assistance outside the command.
comparing the records of completed jobs to their
requirements in order to ensure compliance. There are
various types of audits. The two types of audits used by
the ship's force are as follows:
1. Vertical Audit. These audits take into account all
aspects of a job or task by examining the documentation
Q11. What person is responsible for the Toxic Gas
used to certify or recertify the system/component
during and after repairs. They not only track the task
Administrative officer
from start to finish but also verify the validity of the
technical data and the hardware used. These audits may
Engineer officer
ex a m i n e a ny a s p e c t o f t h e t a s k ( t r a i n i n g a n d
Damage control party supervisor
qualification of personnel, technical and production
Damage control assistant
requirements, cleanliness, or material control).