Supervise the maintenance of the ship's
Ensure that an effective organization is always
damage control closure log. List all fittings that
present for execution of each of the emergency
are in violation of the prescribed material
condition of readiness. All entries are made in
Inform the engineer officer of any condition or
ink and no erasures are to be made. All errors
p r a c t i c e t h a t l ow e r s t h e d a m a g e c o n t r o l
are corrected by drawing a line through the
readiness of the ship.
error and initialing it; then make the correct
entry on the following line. The dates for
Organize Repairs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 according to
opening the fitting include the day, month, and
the ship's battle bill.
year. Keep the closure log sheets on file for a
period of 6 months.
Personally direct the training of Repairs 1, 2, 3,
4, and 7, and DCC personnel.
All log entries will include the following
Ensure, in coordination with department heads,
Name of the person requesting permission
that DCPOs are trained to accomplish their
assigned duties.
Rate of the person requesting permission
Act as or supervise the duties of the gas free
Type of fitting opened
Identification of the fitting
Ensure that a liquid load status is provided daily
Classification of the fitting
to damage control central and all repair lockers
Time the fitting was opened
(list status in feet and inches).
Estimated time the fitting is to remain
Time the fitting was closed
The damage control supervisor (DCS), when
Name of the person granting permission
assigned, will carry out the following duties and
Rate of the person granting permission
Supervise the maintenance of any material
The estimated time a
condition of readiness in effect on the ship. This
fitting is open will not be
includes the responsibility to check, repair, and
more than 24 hours. At the
keep the various hull systems in full operating
end of the 24 hours, the
fitting will be either logged
Report directly to the OOD on all matters
open again or will be logged
affecting the watertight integrity, stability, or
closed. Anyone who violates
the material condition of
other conditions that affect the safety of the ship.
readiness in effect without
Report to the DCA for technical control and
permission to do so will be
matters affecting the administration of the
subject to disciplinary
watch. The damage control patrols and the petty
officers in charge of repair parties report to the
At the end of each watch, the DCS obtains from
the ship's oil king a report on which fuel tanks
Maintain a written damage control log. The log
were emptied during the watch. The DCS lists
entries will show the hourly readings of the
in the damage control log the compartment
firemain pressure and the number of fire pumps
numbers of the tanks and whether or not they
in operation. Make entries such as the ship's
have been ballasted.
getting underway, anchoring, and mooring.
The DCS reports hourly to the OOD on the status
Include special evolutions such as general
of the ship's watertight integrity.
quarters, emergency drills, and the setting of
When the ship is under way, the DCS has the
material conditions, the discrepancies reported,
and the corrective action taken.
sounding and security watch take and report