soundings of all voids and cofferdams at least
recommends corrective action. These reports are
once during each 4-hour watch. While in port,
submitted to the DCA with copies to the XO and
soundings are taken at least once each day. In
appropriate department heads. A follow-up inspection
addition, the DCS has to watch check the
should be made to ensure that corrective action has
material condition of readiness in their
been taken.
respective areas and report any corrective
When in port, the fire marshal is responsible for the
action taken in this respect.
supervision of the in-port fire party. In this situation,
Ensure that the draft is taken, or computed if at
the fire marshal reports directly to the command duty
sea, and logged daily on the 0400 to 0800
watch. The draft should be taken daily, before
entering or leaving port, before and after
fueling, when taking on supplies, or when
Division officers are responsible for visual
inspections of their spaces, and this officer should
Notify the OOD, DCA, and weapons department
take all practicable preventive measures before
duty officer when the fire alarm board indicates
damage occurs. This requirement includes
that the temperature of any magazine is above
maintenance of the ship's watertight and airtight
integrity, removal of fire hazards, and maintenance of
Ensure that the master key to the repair lockers is
emergency equipment. This is done by making daily
issued only to authorized personnel.
inspections of divisional spaces and equipment to
verify that they are maintained in the best possible
At 1600 daily, request the OOD have the word
condition. The following publications are helpful to
passed, "All divisions check the setting of
the division officer conducting these checks.
material condition YOKE. Make reports to
NSTM, "Practical Damage Control," chapter
damage control central. " After a half hour,
ensure that any division that has not reported
079, volume 2
does so.
NSTM, "Inspections, Tests, Records, and
Reports," chapter 090
NSTM, "Lighting Ships," chapter 330
The fire marshall is an assistant to the engineer
officer and aids the DCA in the training of personnel
NSTM, "Surface Ship Firefighting," chapter 555,
and the prevention and fighting of fires. The fire
volume 1
marshal must be thoroughly familiar with the
following documents:
NSTM, "Gas Free Engineering," chapter 074,
A senior petty officer within each division is
assigned as the division damage control petty officer
volume 3
(DCPO) for that division. The DCPO is responsible,
NSTM, "Practical Damage Control," chapter
under the division leading petty officer (LPO), for
079, volume 2
damage control functions of the division and related
NSTM, "Surface Ship Firefighting," chapter 555,
matters. Outside normal working hours, duty division
volume 1
section leaders will perform DCPO duties on their duty
Ship's instructions
Each DCPO is responsible for performing and
Ship information book
understanding the following eleven duties and
Ship's plans
1. Understand all phases of the ship's damage
control, fire fighting, and CBR defense procedures.
The fire marshall should conduct daily inspections
throughout the ship, paying particular attention to
2. Assist in the instruction of division personnel
good housekeeping, fire equipment, and fire and safety
in damage control, fire fighting, and CBR defense
hazards. The fire marshal reports fire hazards and