SATURATION, DEGREE OF (S.)—The ratio,expressed as a percentage, of the volume of waterin a given soil mass to the total volume ofintergranular space (voids).SCALE—The ratio between the dimensions of thegraphic representation of an object and thecorresponding dimensions of the object itself.SCALENE TRIANGLE—A triangle in which nosides or angles are equal.SECANT—The ratio between the hypotenuse andthe side adjacent an angle in a right triangle:sec = hyp/ad.SECONDARY AUXILIARY VIEW—An auxil-iary view that is used when neither the normalviews nor the primary auxiliary view shows thefeatures of an object in its true size and shape.SECTION LINES—Thin diagonal lines used toindicate the surface of an imaginary cut in anobject.SECTION VIEW—A view used to show theinternal structure of an object; used when hiddenlines in the normal orthographic views do notamply describe the object.SECTOR OF A CIRCLE—The part of a circlebounded by two radii and their intercepted arc.SEGMENT OF A CIRCLE—The part of a circlebounded by a chord and its arc.SHRINKAGE LIMIT—The maximum watercontent at which a reduction in water content willnot cause a decrease in volume of the soil mass.SHRINKAGE RATIO-The ratio between agiven volume change, expressed as a percentageof the dry volume, and the corresponding changein water content above the shrinkage limit,expressed as a percent of the weight of theoven-dried soil.SINE—The ratio between the side oppositean angle and the hypotenuse of a triangle:sin = opp/hy.SKETCH—A quick freehand drawing, usuallypictorial, used to convey information or an idea.SOIL—A mixture of uncemented or looselycemented mineral grains enclosing various sizesof voids containing air (or other gases), water, andorganic matter, or varying combinations of thesematerials.SOIL, COARSE-GRAINED-Soil in which morethan half of the material, by weight, is retainedon a No. 200 sieve.SOIL, FINE-GRAINED—Soil in which morethan half of the material, by weight, passes a No.200 sieve.SPACE BLOCKS—Strips placed under the edgesof triangles, french curves, and like instrumentsto prevent ink from running under the edge.SPECIFIC GRAVITY, APPARENT (G~)— Theratio of the weight in air of a given volume of theimpermeable portion of soil particles to the weightin air of an equal volume of distilled water, bothat a stated temperature.SPECIFIC GRAVITY, BULK (G~)— The ratioof the weight in air of a given volume ofpermeable material (including permeable andimpermeable voids) to the weight of an equalvolume of distilled water at a stated temperature.SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOLIDS (GS)— Theratio of the weight in air of a given volume of soilparticles to the weight of an equal volume ofdistilled water, both at a stated temperature.SPHERE—A solid figure having every point onits surface equidistant from its center.SQUARE—An equilateral rectangle.STATION—A definite point on the earth’s surfacewhose location has been determined by surveyingmethods. It maybe a point on a traverse over whichan instrument is set up or a length of 100 ft mea-sured on a given line-broken, straight, or curved.STATION POINT—See POINT OF SIGHT.STITCH LINE—Dark medium line consisting ofvery short dashes closely spaced; used to indicatestitching or sewing lines on an article.SUBBASE—The course in the asphalt pavementstructure immediately below the base course iscalled the subbase course. If the subgrade soil isof adequate quality, it may serve as the subbase.AI-13
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