13-51.13-52.13-53.13-54.13-55.13-56.13-57.What is the water content of runnumber 1? are the coordinates of runnumber 2?1.39 and 41.02.39 and 41.13.40 and 43.44.41 and 43.4What is the liquid limit of thissoil sample? is the plasticity index ofthis soil sample?1. 5.12. 5.53. 6.04. 7.2The slump test measures whatproperty of concrete?1.Workability2.Strength3.Durability4.CompressibilityTo ensure a slump test specimen isa good representation of theconcrete batch, you must takesamples at two or more regularlyspaced intervals during dischargefrom which portion of the batch?1.First only2.Middle only3.First and middle4.LastIn a slump test, each layer ofconcrete is rodded how manystrokes?1. 102. 153. 254. 3013-58.When a slump test is performed,the entire procedure from thebeginning of the sampling processthrough the removal of the slumpcone from the specimen shouldNEVER exceed what maximum numberof minutes?1.7X2.17X3. 204.22313-59.To what extent do the sampling13-60.13-61.13-62.13-63.procedures for cylinder specimensdiffer from those for slump tests?1.Much different procedures areused2.The same procedures are used3.Nearly the same procedures areused, except that the samplesare taken from the dischargeof the first portion of thebatchWhen preparing standard sizecylinder specimens, you should(a) fill the mold with what totalnumber of layers, and (b) rod eachlayer with a total of how manystrokes?1.(a) 2 (b) 252.(a) 2 (b) 503.(a) 3 (b) 254.(a) 3 (b) soWhen the maximum size of coarseaggregate is 3 inches, what shouldbe the minimum cross-sectionaldimensions of the beam specimen?1.6 in by6 in2.6 in by9 in3.9 in by9 in4.9 in by 12 inWhile the functions of all theother SEABEE ratings relate to thewhole of a construction project,the EA’s functions are related toonly the site preparation andlayout phases.1.True2.FalseThe responsibilities of an NMCBengineering division include whichof the following tasks?1.Providing as-built copies ofdrawings to customeractivities2.Maintaining constructionproject status boards3.Both 1 and 2 above97
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