IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 13-39 THROUGH13-42, REFER TO FIGURE 13-B.13-39.What percentage of the materialtested passed the No. 40 sieve?1.17.9%2.11.3%3.10.2%4.2.7%13-40.What is the percentage of error in13-41.13-42.13-43.the soil sample? 1.1.5%2.1.4%3.0.15%4.0.14%The soil sample predominantlyconsists of what type of material?1.Cobbles2.Gravel3.Sand4.FinesWhat is the percentage ofcontained in the sample?1.48.3%2.51.7%3.62.5%4.88.7%gravelsA sieve analysis data sheet showsthat the original weight of a testsample exceeds the total weight offractions,resulting in apercentage error that is smallerthan the maximum permissibleerror.Which of the followingactions should you take?1.Disregard the value of theerror2.Rerun the test3.Add the value of the error tothe largest amount retained byany sieve4.Add the value of the error tothe smallest amount retainedby any sieve13-44.When is it necessary to prewash asample before proceeding with anormal dry sieve analysis?1.When the sample contains asurplus of superfine materials2.When the sample has anundesirable water content3.When the sample is too dry4.When the sample contains toolittle superfine materials13-45.13-46.During a sieve analysis, 2% of thematerial passed the No. 200 sieve.What subsequent test, if any,should you perform on the sampleto determine this soil’ssusceptibility to frost?1.Hydroscopic moisture content2.Hydrometer analysis3.Specific gravity4.NoneAfter a sieve analysis has beenperformed, which of the followingmaterials should be tested forspecific gravity of solids?1.Only those larger than theNo. 40 sieve2.Only those retained on theNo. 4 sieve3.Only those passing the No. 4sieve4.Materials passing the No.sieve200Figure 13CIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 13-47 AND 13-48,REFER TO THE DATA IN FIGURE 13C.13-47.Find the specific gravity ofsolids.1.2.672.2.693.2.714.2.7313-48.Find the composite specificgravity.1.2.422.2.523.2.624.2.6493
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