To convert (for example) 7 3/8 in. carpenter’smeasure to engineer’s measure, you have thefollowing:For a great many types of conversions thereare tables in which you can find the desired valuesby inspection. Various publications contain tablesfor making the following conversions:Meters to feetFeet to metersDegrees Centigrade to degrees FahrenheitDegrees Fahrenheit to degrees CentigradeInches and sixteenths to decimals of a footSixteenths of an inch to decimals of a footMinutes to decimals of a degreeDegrees to roils and roils to degreesGrads to degrees, minutes, and secondsA conversion factor is a number that, ifmultiplied by a value expressed in terms ofone unit, will produce the equivalent value ex-pressed in terms of a different unit. The factor forconverting linear feet to miles, for instance, is0.00019. If you multiply 5,280 ft by 0.00019, youget 1.0032 miles, which is close enough to a mileto satisfy most practical purposes.When you know the ratio between twodifferent units, you can easily work out yourconversion factor. For example, you know thatthe ratio of degrees to roils isThe conversiom factor for converting degrees toroils is the number of roils in 1 degree, which isThe conversion factor converting roils to degreesis the number of degrees in a roil, which isSome of the common conversion factors areas follows :Linear feet x 0.00019Linear yards x 0.0006Square inches x 0.007Square feet x 0.111Square yards x 0.0002067Acres x 4840.0Cubic inches x 0.00058Cubic feet x 0.03704= miles= miles= square feet= square yards= acres= square yards= cubic feet= cubic yards1-35
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