4. TO divide a fraction by a fraction, invert
the divisor and proceed as in multiplication.
5. The method of CANCELING can be used
to advantage before multiplying fractions (using
the principle of rule No. 1) to avoid operations
with larger numbers.
A decimal fraction is a fraction whose
denominator is 10 or some power of 10, such as
100, 1,000, and so on. For example,
are decimal fractions. Accordingly, they could
be written as 0.7, 0.23 and 0.087 respec-
tively. Decimal fractions have certain char-
acteristics that make them easier to use in
computations than other fractions. Chapter 5
of NAVEDTRA 10069-D1 deals entirely with
decimal fractions. A thorough understanding
of decimals will be useful to the Engineering
Aid in making various engineering compu-
tations. Figure 1-1 shows decimal equivalents
of fractions commonly used by Builders,
Steelworkers, Utilitiesmen, and other trades.
Figure 1-1. Decimal equivalents.