delta-connected system has only a single voltagerating (220 V in fig. 9-4). However, in aY-connected system, the voltage developed indifferent combinations of wires is different. Infigure 9-5, you can see that lines 1 and 2 takepower from two stator coils (A and C). The sameapplies to lines 1 and 3 (power from coils C andB) and lines 2 and 3 (power from coils A and B).However, the neutral (N) and line 2 take powerfrom coil A only; neutral (N) and line 1, fromcoil C only; and neutral (N) and line 3, fromcoil B only.It follows from this that a Y-connectedalternator can produce two different voltages: ahigher voltage in any pair of hot wires, or in allthree hot wires, and a lower voltage in any hotwire paired with the neutral wire.Output taken from a pair of wires is SINGLE-PHASE voltage; output from three wires isTHREE-PHASE voltage. The practical signifi-cance of this lies in the fact that someelectrical equipment is designed to operate onlyon single-phase voltage, while other equipmentis designed to operate only on three-phase voltage.This equipment includes the alternators them-selves, and a system with a three-phase alternatoris called a three-phase system. However, even insuch a system, single-phase voltage can beobtained by tapping only two of the wires.Figure 9-6 shows a four-wire system servingthe same facilities. Here there is a Y-connectedalternator rated at 110/220 V. You can see thatto get 110 V single phase for the secondary mains,no transformers are necessary. These mains aresimply tapped into pairs of wires, one of each pairbeing a hot wire and the other, the neutral wire.The 220-V, three phase motor is tapped into thethree hot wires that develop 220 V, three-phase.You can see that the neutral wire in a four-wiresystem exists to make it possible for a lowervoltage to be used in the system.Figure 9-7 shows a wiring diagram for thesystem shown in figure 9-6.Now, let’s discuss the device called aDISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER. A trans-former is simply a device for increasing orreducing the voltage in an electrical circuit. Itranges in size from one that is portable (those usedfor appliances inside the building) to heavy onesthat are mounted permanently on platforms orFigure 9-7.-Wiring diagram of the four-wire system infigure 9-6.hung with crossarm brackets attached to anelectric pole. Ask one of the CES to show you atransformer. It is very probable that one is nearby.Now, for long-distance power transmission,a voltage higher than that normally generated isrequired. A transformer is used to step the voltageup to that required for transmission. Then at theservice distribution end, the voltage must bereduced to that required for lights and equipment.Again a transformer is used; but this time it is tostep down the voltage.The reason for stepping up the voltage in aline lies in the fact that the greater the distance,the more resistance there will be to the currentflow; and a much greater force will be requiredto push the current through the conductor.Perhaps you can best understand this reasoningif you examine Ohm’s Law.(Refer to chapter 1 of this book.)You can see from the formula above that theCURRENT (I) varies inversely to the RESIST-ANCE (R). To maintain the required current flow9-5
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