disadvantage here is that the temperature is hardto control and the organic material in the samplemay be burned; this would cause a slight to moder-ate inaccuracy in the result. The thermostat on anelectric oven can be set to the desired temperature.PROCEDURE.— Before beginning the tests,weigh each of the moisture boxes and record theweight by can number. Record this weight as tareweight (weight that allows for a deduction of thecan). Then fill each can with a sample and weighthe can (with lid on) and contents.Remove the lid and place the can, contents,and lid in the oven or pan to dry. In an electricoven, maintain the temperature between 212°Fand 230°F (105°C ± 10°C); dry the sample forat least 8 hr—even longer for clay or silt. Thenweigh the dry can, contents, and lid.Record the results on a form like the oneshown in figure 15-27. In the example shown inFigure 15-27.-Data sheet for moisture content tests.15-19
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