COOL-DOWN PERIOD REQUIRED FORTHIS MACHINE. Just turn on the power switch,make your print, and turn the machine off. Thisis recommended for longer machine and lamp life.Making prints is extremely simple. Place youroriginal tracing or transparency, face up, on thesensitized reproducing paper, chemical (yellow)side up. Adjust the leading edges of both papersso they are even, uncurled, and uncreased. THISIS IMPORTANT! Place the two adjusted sheetson the feed table and gently feed them evenlyinto the printer entrance WITH THE GRAIN ofthe sensitized paper (see package for grainindication) until they are engaged between therubber belts and the glass cylinder.If for any reason the above described entranceof the paper to the printer is erratic, creased,wrinkled, or uneven, turn the direction knob toreverse and the papers will come out of theprinter.As the original and printed sensitized paperexits from the printer over the top of the glasscylinder, manually separate the sensitized paperfrom the original tracing.Turn the sensitized paper up and into theentrance of the ammonia developing chest. Thefinished print will exit from the top of themachine.If your print is too light, turn the speed knobto a higher number; if too dark, turn to a lowernumber.The interior of the ammonia chest of theBlu-Ray machine is readily accessible forinspection or removal of jammed paper. Usingfinger catches on the top of the machine, lift upthe top cover, and the upper chest panel will beexposed. (Before opening, SEE WARNINGbelow.) Two sliding door latch-type fasteners holdthe upper chest panel in its closed position. Slidethese door latches toward the center of themachine, and open the upper chest panel up andback, exposing the interior of the ammoniachest.WARNINGDO NOT OPEN THE AMMONIACHEST WHILE THE MACHINE ISRUNNING. Be sure that all ammonia hasdrained from the machine. Stand backfrom the machine when the chest is open.There is a heavy charge of ammonia in thechamber. Be sure to provide ventilation atall times when the ammonia chest is open.When removing jammed paper from theammonia chest, do not bend or scratch any of themechanical parts in the chest.Because of described qualities of the aqueousammonia, it is important that a NITE-SHEET berun in the developer section when the machine isnot in operation for a period of time (nights,weekends, etc.). This nite-sheet can be a wide sheetof sensitized paper long enough to extend fromboth the entrance and exit of the developersection. Stop the machine when this is accom-plished, allowing the sheet to remain. This sheetwill absorb the excess vapor and condensation,leaving a dry chamber when the machine is startedagain.MAINTENANCE.— Periodic maintenanceand inspection of the Blu-Ray machine areessential. Major maintenance and repairs shouldbe performed only by skilled service personnel.For maximum light exposure, it is veryimportant that the exterior and interior of theglass cylinder be cleaned frequently. When theglass cylinder needs to be cleaned, follow the stepsgiven below.1. Disconnect the electrical cord from itspower source.2. Remove both end panels from the machineby removing the panel-holding screws.3. Back off the locking screw and open thedrive-section cover.4. Disconnect the lamp cartridge wiring. DONOT PULL THE WIRES; grasp the plug.5. Unfasten the lamp cartridge by removingthe screws at the right-hand end of the lampcartridge frame.Gently remove the lampcartridge, ensuring that the wires at the left-handend of the cartridge do not snag.6. Thoroughly clean the glass-printingcylinder and lamps. Use the manufacturer’srecommended glass cleaner or an ammonia-watersolution. NEVER use an abrasive cleaner on theglass cylinder.It is inherent in the nature of fluorescent lampsto lose brilliancy after months of usage. Thisrequires the machine to be slowed down toproduce the desired prints. When this occurs, thelamps should be replaced, Since the lamp cartridgemust be removed when the glass-printing cylinderinterior is being cleaned, burned out or weaklamps should be replaced at the same time.Lamps, as well as any other parts needed, shouldbe obtained through your supply system.3-44
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