Figure 3-63.-Principles of operation.operation, air that is drawn through these holesa lever. When the lever is operated, a group ofcauses a difference in pressure that causes theoriginal to follow the tracing belt and the printto follow the printer belt. Thus, the original andprint are separated and directed in differentdirections. The original moves out of the machine,and the print moves into the developing sectionwhere ammonia vapors develop those areas thatwere not desensitized. It should be noted that itis possible, should the need arise, to direct boththe original and the print out of the machinebefore they go to the developing section. All thatis necessary to accomplish this is to operatefingers is extended. These fingers cause the printto be directed out of the machine, along with theoriginal. One instance in which it is desirable toremove the print is when the sensitized paper iscoated on both sides. In this instance, the secondside will be exposed before any developing takesplace.DEVELOPING SECTION.— The developingsection consists of a perforated stainless steeldeveloping tank. This tank is continuouslysupplied with ammonia from an ammonia supply3-47
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