Figure 13-16.Data sheet for hydrometer analysis.
1,000-mL graduation. Bring the suspension to the
temperature expected to prevail during the test.
Readings taken with the hydrometer require
Vigorously agitate the solution for 1 minute before
taking and recording (fig. 13-16) your first hydrometer
correction due to the following factors: (1) the
reading. Then, without further agitating the solution,
difference between the test temperature at each reading
take and record additional readings after elapsed times
and the standard temperature of 68°F, (2) the affect of
of 4, 15, and 30 minutes and 1, 2, 4, and 24 hours.
the dispersing agent on the liquid density of the
Remove the hydrometer from the suspension after each
soil-water suspension, and (3) the difficulty of reading
reading and place it in a graduate of clean water.
the hydrometer at the meniscus of the murky soil-water