corners, particularly where the corner markersthemselves lack permanence. In timbered country,blazes on trees on or adjacent to a boundary line aremost useful in reestablishing the line at a future date.It is also advisable to state the names of abuttingproperty owners along the several sides of the tractbeing described. Many metes-and-boundsdescriptions fail to include all of these particulars andare frequently very difficult to retrace or locate inrelation to adjoining ownerships.One of the reasons why the determination ofboundaries in the United States is often difficult is thatearly surveyors often confined themselves to minimaldescription; that is, to a bare statement of the metesand bounds, courses and distances. Today, goodpractice requires that a land surveyor include allrelevant information in his description.In preparing the description of a property, thesurveyor should bear in mind that the description mustclearly identify the location of the property and mustgive all necessary data from which the boundaries canbe reestablished at any future date. The writtendescription contains the greater part of the informationshown on the plan. Usually both a description and aplan are prepared and, when the property istransferred, are recorded according to the laws of thecounty concerned. The metes-and-bounds descriptionof the property shown in figure 10-34 is given below.“All that certain tract or parcel ofland and premises, hereinafter particu-larly described, situate, lying and beingin the Township of Maplewood inthe County of Essex and State of NewJersey and constituting lot 2 shown onthe revised map of the Taylor propertyin said township as filed in the EssexCounty Hall of Records on March 18,1944.“Beginning at an iron pipe in thenorthwesterly line of Maplewood Ave-nue therein distant along same line fourhundred and thirty-one feet and sev-enty-one-hundredths of a foot north-easterly from a stone monument at thenortherly corner of Beach Place andMaplewood Avenue; thence running(1) North forty-four degrees thirty-oneand one-half minutes West along landof. . .”Another form of a lot description maybe presented asfollows:“Beginning at the northeasterlycorner of the tract herein described;said corner being the intersection of thesoutherly line of Trenton Street and thewesterly line of Ives Street; thence run-ning S6°29´54´´E bounded easterly bysaid Ives Street, a distance of two hun-dred and twenty-seven one hundredths(200.27) feet to the northerly line ofWickenden Street; thence turning aninterior angle of 89°59´16´´ and run-ning S83°39´50´´W bonded southerlyby said Wickenden Street, a distance ofone hundred and no one-hundredths(100.00) feet to a corner; thence turn-ing an interior angle of. . . .”You will notice that in the above example, interiorangles were added to the bearings of the boundarylines. This will be another help in retracing lines.Figure 10-34.—Lot plan by metes and bounds.10-31
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