APPENDIX IVOTHER USEFUL REFERENCESNOTE: Listed in this Appendix are a few references that you may find usefulwhen assigned to duty outside the Naval Construction Force. They are NOT requiredstudy for advancement. Following each reference is a brief description of its purpose.Facilities Planning Criteria for Navy and Marine Shore Installations(NAVFAC P-80)This publication provides planning criteria for determining the requirements forshore-based facilities needed to support Fleet and Marine Corps Operations. Inaddition, these criteria are used to evaluate the adequacy of existing facilities, toidentify facility deficiencies or excesses, and to validate construction projectsubmittals.Facilities Projects Manual (OPNAVINST 11010.20 SERIES)This instruction provides detailed guidance for the administration of facilitiesprojects at naval shore activities. It includes definitions of the various typesof specialprojects and the preparation and submittal procedures for special projects.Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Facilities (NAVFAC P80.2)This publication is similar in purpose to NAVFAC P-80, described above;however, it is tailored specifically to facilities needed to support Naval MobileConstruction Battalion Operations.Shore Facilites Planning Manual (NAVFACINST 11010.44 SERIES)T’his instruction explains the process for the planning of shore facilities. Itprovides guidance on the preparation of Military Construction (MILCON) andNonappropriated Funded (NAF) project documentation, and for the preparation ofsite approval documentation required for MILCON, NAF, and special projects.AIV-1
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