A8. Hairline cracking.A9. Water that is in excess of the amount needed for a saturated, surface-drycondition.A10. For improved watertightness and increased resistance to frost action.A11. The chemical reaction between cement and water that causes a concreteto harden.A12. When the test specimen breaks outside the middle third of span length byless than 5 percent.A13. By heating, dissolution, and emulsifiication.A14. The volubility test.A15. A distillation test.Chapter 14A1. 75 man-days.A2. Indirect labor.A3. 61 percent. (Source: NMCB Operations Officer’s Handbook,COMSECOND/COMTHIRDNCBINST 5200.2A, Section IV.)A4. 150 man-days. (Source: NMCB Operations Officer’s Handbook,COMSECOND/THIRDNCBINST 5200.2A, appendix I.)A5. Commander, THIRD Naval Construction Brigade.A6. So that you can (1) get all of the information needed for the job from theperson requesting it and (2) pass this information on to the person towhom you are assigning the job.Chapter 15A1. 24.A2. 0600.A3. The angular distance of a celestial body measured north or south of thecelestial equator along the hour circle of the body.A4. Over the south celestial pole.A5. N43°03´.A6. S76°55´00.1”E.A7. The calculation of the length of the sides can be cross-checked usingdifferent routes.A8. A primary triangulation station is used as an instrument station and asighted station. A secondary station is used only for sighting.A9. 38°22´18.25”.Chapter 16A1. 4.A2. True.AVI-5
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