APPENDIX VIANSWERSNOTE: This appendix provides answers to the review questions found at theend of each chapter of this TRAMAN. When a question was drawn from a sourceother than this TRAMAN, the reference source is included with the answer.Chapter 1A1. Footing abutment, pile abutment, and concrete abutment.A2. The numbers of rows of piles. A bent has one row of piles; a pier has twoor more rows.A3. Foundation bed, footing, and foundation wall.A4. A sheet pile.A5. A mole.A6. The W12 x 50 wide flange shape. Because it has a greater cross-sectionalarea.A7. The type of construction that uses masonry walls to support floor androof loads.A8. According to Steelworker 3 &2, NAVEDTRA 10653-G, page 12-10, girtsare used primarily as attachment members for the metal siding.Chapter 2A1. The transmission system and the distribution system.A2. The radial distribution system.A3. To step down primary voltage to utilization level.A4. On a crossarm or spool rack located below the primary mains.A5. When they are shown to be more economical or when specialcircumstances warrant the use of concrete poles.A6. Number size, type, voltage, and location.A7. The level of underground water that has collected over an imperviousstratum.A8. Water quantity, reliability, and quality.A9. NEVER. Water distribution and sewage collection piping must always beseparated.A10. To pump sewage from a lower level to a higher level because gravity flowis no longer possible or practical at the lower level.Chapter 3A1. (A) Traveled way, (B) shoulder, (C) crown, (D) base course, (E) subbasecourse, (F) surface or surface course.AVI-1
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