5-21.HOW do you determine if an Abney orLocke level is out of adjustment?1.Check the reflected bubble withthe instrument in a horizontalplane2.Check the reflected bubble withthe instrument in a verticalplane3.Check the plate level bubbles5–22.What is a general rule regardingthe freguency of adjustment?1.Check and adjust often2.Check rarely and adjust rarely3.Check often and adjust rarely4.Check rarely and never adjust5–23.You feel your instrument is out ofadjustment. Which of the followingprocedures should you do beforemaking any adjustments?1.Ensure the instrument isscrewed down on the tripod2.Set the instrument up in theshade3.Repeat the checks at leastthree times4.All of the above5–24.What type of surface should you useto set up an instrument foradjustment?1.Asphalt2.Chipped hardened surface3.Sand4.Plywood5-25.What purpose, if any, doesretightening the wing nuts on thetripod legs accomplish?1.To prevent a possible shiftingof the legs2.To ensure the nuts did notloosen themselves3.To keep the tripod head frommoving4.None5-26.Most tests show an error equal towhat amount of the actualdisplacement error?1.Half the actual error2.Double the actual error3.Equal to the actual error4.Three times the actual error5-27.What is creep in relation to theinstrument?1.Position shift due to heat2.Settlement of the instrument3.Position shift due to cold4.All of the above5-28.The operator’s manual is your firstsource of information wheninstruments need adjustment.1.True2.False5-29.YOU are performing a surveyrequiring a high degree ofaccuracy. Which, if any, of thefollowing procedures should be oneof the first steps you perform?1.Check your instrument formaladjustment2.Figure the compensation foradjustments to the instrument3.Oil the tripod head4.None of the aboveLearning Objective: Recognize thecorrect test and procedures to beused in relation to an engineer’slevel.5-30.You are assigned to a survey party.You get the level along with yourother equipmnet. What procedure,if any, should you perform on theinstrument before starting work?1.Check the instrument for properadjustment2.Adjust all the bubble tubes tothe maximum angle3.Perform a two–peg test4.None30
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