Figure 3-16.—Typical flexible pavement and terminology.other than at hardstands. Aprons are classified asservice, warm-up, and parking.END ZONE. A cleared and graded area that extendsbeyond each end of the runway. The dimensions of theend zone depend upon the safety clearances specifiedby the design criteria for advanced-base airfields. (Seefig. 3-15.)GLIDE ANGLE. The angle between the flight pathof an airplane during a glide for landing or takeoff anda horizontal plane fixed relative to the runway. The glideangle is measured from the outer edge of the end zone.(See fig. 3-15.)HARDSTAND. A stabilized, paved, or metal-plank-surfaced parking area of sufficient size andstrenght tp accomodate a limited number of aircraft.Handstands are usually dispersed over the ground areabeyond the safety clearance zones of a landing strip.They provide protection for aircraft on the field bydispersal, concealment, and revetmentLANDING AREA. The paved portion, or runaway,of the landing field. The landing area should haveunobstructed approaches and should be suitable for thesafe landing and takeoff of aircraft under ordinaryweather conditions.3-16
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