Q4.Q5.Q6.Q7.Q80Q9.Q1O.As a surveyor, you have been tasked to stake outa sanitary sewer line for a project. In whichdivision of the specifications should you find thegradient requirements for the sewer piping?Referring to the above question, in what part ofthe specification division should you find thegradient requirements?What estimating publication has been preparedspecifically for Seabee construction?You have been tasked to prepare the concreteestimate for a 150-foot long retaining wall thathas atypical cross section as shown in figure 5-6.Including a lo-percent waste factor, how manycubic meters of concrete will be required?When detaining how many sheets of plywoodwill be required as forming material for theretaining wall shown in figure 5-6, what wastefactor (according to NAVFACP-405) should youuse if the plywood is to be used twice?What is the basic planning tool that you shoulduse when assisting in the planning of anadvanced base?Where in the Facilities Planning Guide,NAVFAC P-437, will you find recommendedcrew sizes?Figure 5-6.—Typical retaining wall.5-13
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