sample, what is the (a) percentage of gravel,(b) percentage of sand, (c)percentage of fines,and (d) the USCS classification?Q5. For a certain soil sample, assume that 60 percentof the material passes the No. 200 sieve, thatthere is no indication that the material containsorganic matter and that Atterberg limits testinghas been performed Figure 16-11 is the partiallycompleted record entries for the Atterberg limitsdetermination. Based on this information andusing the plasticity chart shown in figure 16-3,what is the (a) liquid limit, (b) plasticity index,and (c) USCS classification of the soil sample?Q6. Which of the following field tests can be used toapproximate the cohesive and plasticcharacteristics of a soil sample?1. Dry strength2. Ribbon3. Roll4. Each of the above16-23
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