Figure 3-6.—Typical section.configuration of the completed road should be. You willthe type and thickness of the base and surface materials,also use sections for staking out roads, for determiningearthwork requirements, and for determining howclosely the completed road conforms to its original design.Typical SectionIn the construction of a road, certain conditions orrequirements must be met. One requirement is that theshape and features of the road be as uniform as possible.This and other requirements are stipulated in the typicalsection for the road. (See fig. 3-6.)The typical section of a road shows exactly what theroad should look like after it is constructed. It includesthe crown, superelevation, ditch slope, cut slope, fillslope, and all horizontal widths of components, such assurface, shoulders, and ditches. Since slight deviationswill occur during construction, a tolerance inconstruction is allowed. However, the shape andconstruction of the road should conform as closely aspossible to the typical section. (For general provisionsand design criteria, refer to NAVFAC DM-5.5.)Typical sections are prepared for both straight andcurved portions of the road. The typical section for acurved portion of a road differs from the straight portionin that the shape of the roadbed is different. In a typical3-8
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