data, which is then checked by his leading petty officerand division officer. The record is then submitted to theengineer officer for his approval and signature. Thedaily water account is also a source if information thatis included in reports to higher authority.FUELING MEMORANDUMThe engineer officer uses a Fueling Memorandum(fig. 2-9) to inform interested parties whenever fuel oilor diesel oil is received or delivered. Those interestedparties include the commanding officer, the OOD, thesupply officer, and any others concerned, including theship being refueled when that is the case.LIQUID LOAD PLANThe Liquid Load Plan of the ship is a printed orlocally prepared diagrammatic layout of all the ship’stanks, with each colored to show graphically theapproximate status of fuel, ballast water, reservefeedwater, and potable water. The oil king prepares anddistributes the plan daily. Copies serve as important aidsto the damage control watch officer, engineer officer,and EOOW. In large ships, a copy of the plan may beposted at each repair party control station to provideinformation to the repair party officers.BOAT FUELING RECORDThe Boat Fueling Record is a locally prepared,daily record of the boat fueling. It is indispensable forships carrying or maintaining a large number of boats.All operating boats should be fueled daily before 0800to prevent fueling at unusual hours and to ensurereadiness for unscheduled calls. The record for eachboat should indicate (1) the boat number, (2) the fuelcapacity in gallons, (3) the fuel on hand, (4) theapproximate fuel consumption in gallons per hour, and(5) whether or not the boat was fueled to capacity.Figure 2-8.-Fuel and Water Report (back).2-17
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