FUEL AND WATER REPORTSThe engineer officer submits the Fuel and WaterReport, NAVSEA 9255/9, daily to the commandingofficer (fig. 2-8). The report indicates the amount of fuel(fuel oil and diesel oil) and water on hand as of midnightthe previous day. The report also includes the previousday’s feed and potable water performance, results ofwater tests, and the steaming hours on boiler firesidesand watersides.The Fuel and Water Report is compiled from dataobtained from the Daily Fuel and Lube Oil Account andthe Daily Water Account. The original and one copy ofthe report is delivered to the OOD early enough tosubmit to the commanding officer with the 1200reports.DAILY FUEL AND LUBE OIL ACCOUNTThe Daily Fuel and Lube Oil Account is generallya single daily record sheet showing the receipt, use,expenditure, transfer, and changes by inventory orapparent meter error of the contents of each fuel oil,diesel oil, and lubricating oil tank throughout the ship.Forms and procedures are prescribed by the typecommanders. An account form is submitted before andafter receiving or delivering fuel oil. The form isprepared by the oil king and checked for accuracy byhis leading petty officer and division officer. It is thensubmitted to the engineer officer for his approval andsignature. The information in the record is the basis ofreports submitted to higher authority (commandingofficer and force or unit commander) by the engineerofficer.DAILY WATER ACCOUNTThe Daily Water Account is a daily record of thefeedwater for boilers and potable fresh water in reservefeed tanks, deaerating feed tanks, boilers, and potablewater tanks throughout the ship. The oil king records theFigure 2-8.-Fuel and Water Report (front).2-16
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