operation. In ships with more than one main engine inthe same engine room, a separate sheet is maintained foreach engine, but common entries are omitted from therecord for the port engine.The watch supervisor enters the remarks and signsthe record for his watch. The petty officer in charge ofthe engine room checks the accuracy of the record andsigns his name in the space provided on the back of therecord. The main propulsion assistant notes the contentsand signs the record. Any unusual conditions noted inthe record should be reported to the engineer officerimmediately.GAS TURBINE OPERATING RECORDOn ships with gas turbines, bells and engineoperating parameters are logged automatically bycomputer. The system can produce printouts at regularintervals or on demand. The data comes from two lineprinters; one for the bell logger and one for the datalogger. The bell logger prints bell signals and replies tothose signals. The data logger prints all informationother than bell signals. The bell or data logger can printboth kinds of information if one of the loggers issecured. Most ships use only one logger at a time.Examples of bell and data logger printouts are logs fordata on engine parameters, alarms, status changes,trends in operating parameters, and demand prints ofany of the logs.DIESEL ENGINE OPERATING RECORDThe Diesel Engine Operating Record, NAVSEA9231/2, is a complete daily record for each operatingpropulsion and auxiliary diesel engine in the ship.The watch supervisor writes and signs the remarks forhis watch. The petty officer in charge of the ship’sdiesel engines checks the accuracy of the entries andsigns the record in the space provided. The engineerofficer notes the contents and signs his approval ofthe record daily.AC/DC ELECTRIC PROPULSIONOPERATING RECORDThe AC/DC Electric Propulsion Operating Record,NAVSEA 9235/1, is daily record for each operatingpropulsion generator and motor in ships (exceptsubmarines) equipped with ac or dc electric propulsionmachinery. A separate record sheet is used for eachshaft. Exceptions are ships with more than twogenerators or two motors per shaft, where as manysheets as required are used.Data is entered on the record and the remarks arewritten and signed by the Electrician’s Mate (EM) ofthe watch. The accuracy of the entries is checked bythe EM in charge of the electric propulsion equipmentand the electrical officer. Space is provided on therecord for the daily approval and signature of theengineer officer.BOILER ROOM OPERATING RECORDThe Boiler Room Operating Record, NAVSEA9221/6 (fig. 2-4), is a complete record for each steamingfirercom. Space is provided on the back of the recordfor the operating data of all fireroom auxiliarymachinery. Entries are checked for accuracy by thefireroom supervisor. The B division officer also checksand initials the record. The engineer officer checks theentries and approves the record daily by signing it in thespace provided for his signature.ELECTRICAL LOGThe Electrical Log, NAVSEA 9600/1 (fig. 2-5), isa complete daily record for each operating ship’sservice generator, Entries for the prime movers aregenerally recorded by the generator watch (MM).Electrical data are recorded by the switchboard watch(EM). Each signs the remarks made for his watch.The accuracy of the entries is checked by the EM incharge of the ship’s service generators. Both the M andE division officers check the record for accuracy andany evidence of impending casualties. Each officerinitials the record to indicate he has checked it. Theengineer officer notes the content and signs the recorddaily in the space provided.DISTILLING PLANT OPERATING RECORDThere is a distilling plant operating record for eachof the three principal types of distilling plants in useaboard naval ships. The records are (1) the LowPressure Distilling Plant Operating Record, NAVSEA9530/3, (2) the Flash Type Distilling Plant OperatingRecord, NAVSEA 9530/1 (fig. 2-6), and (3) the VaporCompression Distilling Plant Operating Record,NAVSEA 9530/2. Each is a complete daily recordmaintained for each distilling plant in operation.Personnel of the watch record data and remarks in therecord. The watch supervisor signs the remarks for hiswatch, and the petty officer in charge of the ship’sdistilling plants checks all entries for accuracy and signsthe record. The division officer (M or A, as applicable)reviews and initials the record. Space is provided on the2-11
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