the watch organization is determined by the type,arrangement, and location of the machinery in theengineering plant and generally differs according to thetype of ship. The engineering watch organization, aswell as the instruction for each watch station, must beincluded in the engineering department organizationand regulation manual. Instructions for the watch mustbe posted at each watch station. The engineeringdivisions normally man the watch station described inthe following paragraphs:E division personnel normally man an underwaywatch at each operating main distribution switchboardand in the IC room, gyrocompass room, and electricalshop.A division personnel normally man underwaywatches associated with the distilling plant,refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, aircompressors, and hydraulic systems in elevator pumprooms and the steering gear room. The A division alsoassigns a person as small boat engineer.M division personnel normally man underwaywatches in the engine rooms and shaft alleys. The Mdivision also assigns someone to operate the electricalgenerators.B division personnel man the boiler watches in thefirerooms. B division also assigns a senior petty officerto perform the duties of oil king.Division officers assign personnel to underwaywatches according to the engineering departmentorganization and regulations manual.IN-PORT WATCHESThis chapter covers the normal peacetime in-portwatch organization. Additional watches to manweapons systems and security stations and to preventsabotage must be established in an emergency or inwartime. Figure 1-9 shows the watch organization forcondition watch V. It provides enough qualifiedpersonnel for the normal peacetime operation of theship in port.The Command Duty OfficerAny officer on the ship who is eligible forcommand at sea may be assigned as command dutyofficer (CDO) in port. This includes the engineerofficer. The CO designates the CDO as deputy to theXO to carry out the routine of the ship in port and tosupervise and direct the OOD in matters concerning thesafety and general duties of the ship. The CDOFigure 1-9.-Condition watch V organization of a typicalnaval ship.performs the duties of the XO in that officer’stemporary absence.The Engineering Department Duty OfficerIn ships not underway, the CO may authorize theEOOW to stand day’s duty instead of a continuouswatch. At these times, the EOOW’s duties may beassigned to the engineering department duty officer.While the engineering department duty officer is notrequired to stay at the EOOW station, he must alwaysbe ready to appear the moment he is summoned. Theengineering department duty officer is assigned by theengineer officer and must be qualified according toTYCOM directives.1-20
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