l Make sure all orders received from the OODconcerning the operation of the engines are promptlyand properly executed and the Engineering Log and theEngineer’s Bell Book are properly kept.. Immediately execute all emergency ordersconcerning the operation of the engines.l Keep the OOD and the engineer officer informedof the condition of the main propulsion plant and of themaximum speed and power available with the boiler andmachinery combinations that are in use.l Make sure all directives and procedures issuedby higher authority are followed when they concern theoperation of the engineering department machinery.. Know the power requirements for all possibleoperations and determine that the boiler and machinerycombination in use meets current operationalrequirements. Advise the engineer officer and the OODwhen the machinery combination should be modified.Inform the OOD of any necessary changes to theoperation of boilers, main engines, generators, and othermajor auxiliaries.l Supervise the training of the personnel of thewatch during the watch. Carry out operational trainingprimarily through investigation, demonstration, anddrill while personnel actually perform duties of thewatch. Insist that each person in charge of anengineering watch station carefully instruct thepersonnel under his charge in his specific duties and inthe duties of all persons on the same watch station.. Report to the OOD for changes in speed anddirection and for requirements of standby power andother engineering services anticipated or ordered.Report to the engineer officer for technical control andmatters affecting the administration of the watch.Perform such other duties as the engineer officer maydirect.When an officer in engineering is under instruction,his watches should be rotated to give him anopportunity to serve with all the qualified officers ratherthan only one of them. This helps the officer underinstruction develop a more thorough understanding ofthe functions and characteristics of the machinery,equipment, and systems of the engineering plant. EachEOOW will either be a division officer or one of theengineer officer’s assistants and will have a specialknowledge of a different part of the plant.Engineering WatchesFigure 1-8 shows the engineering condition IVwatch organization for a typical ship. The structure ofFigure 1-8.—A typical condition watch IV engineering watch organization.1-19
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