Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
1. State the basic principles of magnetic minesweeping.
2. Describe the different types of magnetic minesweeping equipment.
3. Describe the primary sweep configurations, including the basic components
associated with each configuration.
ship is passing overhead and makes them react
Magnetic minesweeping involves creating a
Magnetic sweeps may be streamed alone or in
magnetic field in the water at a safe distance astern of a
combination with an acoustic device. This chapter
minesweeper strong enough to affect or destroy
addresses magnetic sweeps only. Combination
magnetic influence mines.
magnetic/acoustic minesweeping is discussed in
Most ships are surrounded by a magnetic field
chapter 11.
associated with their design and construction. As a ship
moves, its magnetic field moves with it, causing a
change in the Earth's magnetic fieldinthe vicinity of the
ship. Magnetic influence mines are designed to
recognize this change in the Earth's magnetic field and
Unlike other minesweeping gear, the designation of
to explode at the most appropriate time to damage the
a particular magnetic sweep does not refer to a specific
ship that produces the change. The mines' firing
item of equipment. Instead, it refers to a particular
mechanisms respond to the change in magnetic field
combination of basic magnetic minesweeping cable
either by advancing a counter and exploding at a certain
components for use in certain circumstances against
count or by exploding at first contact. Minesweepers
certain types of mines.
counter these mines by generating an electrical current
and applying it through insulated electrical cables to
The magnetic cable currently in service use is the
create a magnetic field over the mines. This magnetic
field is strong enough to "fool" the mines into thinking a
Figure 10-1.--Magnetic quadded tail assembly.