straight-line distance between limiting points, the rules
are as follows:
Barbed-wire obstacles are constructed primarily
1. The length of tactical-wire entanglement is 1.25
from issue materials; thus both logistical and con-
times the length of the front, times the number of belts,
struction estimates are involved. Table 8-1 gives
regardless of the size of the unit involved.
weights, lengths, and other data required for estimating
truck transportation and carrying party requirements.
2. The length of protective-wire entanglement for
Table 8-2 gives the material and labor requirements for
a defensive position is five times the length of the front
construction of various wire entanglements. Table 8-2 is
being defended, times the number of belts. Since pro-
based on daylight work; for nightwork the man-hours
tective wire encircles each platoon area of a command,
must be increased 50 percent.
the protective-wire entanglement for units is 2.5 times
the average platoon frontage, times the number of
platoons involved.
3. Supplementary wire in front of the FEBA is used
Table 8-2 gives quantities and weights of material
to breakup the line of tactical entanglements. Its length
per linear foot of entanglement. When a layout to scale
is 1.25 times the unit's frontage, times the number of
can be developed, the lengths of the various types of
belts. The length of the supplementary-wire entangle-
entanglements are scaled and the quantities and weights
ment behind the FEBA is approximately equal to 2.5
are computed. When a scaled layout cannot be prepared,
times the distance from the FEBA to the rearmost
the rule-of-thumb method may be used for estimating
reserve unit, times the number of belts. This rule of
the required lengths of tactical- and protective-wire
entanglements. If the length of front is taken as the
thumb is adequate for all units.