The function of a submunition, such as a
bomblet, that appears to have no immediate effect
Protective measures against a biological threat
Unusual types of bomblets found in the area
include training, immunization of personnel, and strict
personal hygiene.
Swarms of insects, such as mosquitoes, suddenly
appearing after an aircraft has dropped containers that
Biological Defense Training
did not appear to have immediate effect
Training for defense against biological agents must
Defensive Measures after
stress the necessity for an alert and questioning attitude
a Biological Attack
toward any indication that biological agents may have
been used. Although knowledge of these agents is
important, there must be no unreasonable fear of disease
Units are not equipped with devices to indicate a
from a suspected biological attack. Personnel should be
biological hazard. After a suspected biological attack,
instructed not to repeat or exaggerate rumors. Seabees
individuals must continue wearing their protective
should also know the following facts about a biological
masks until authorized to remove them by competent
It is normally impossible to recognize or detect.
After a suspected biological warfare attack individuals
It may be used to supplement other types of
can decontaminate themselves by showering with soap
and hot water. The fingernails and toenails should be
thoroughly cleaned and the hairy parts of the body
It may be used to cause either delayed death or
should be thoroughly scrubbed. Contaminated clothing
incapacitation for strategic purposes.
must be washed in hot soapy water when it cannot be
sent to a field laundry for decontamination. Cotton items
Prevention of Disease
may be boiled.
Casualties from a biological attack can be reduced
AREAS.-- Sunlight kills most microorganisms and
by using the following preventive measures:
usually decontaminates unshaded outdoor areas.
Strict personal hygiene
However, shaded areas may remain hazardous from
several hours to several days. Decontamination of a
large area is not feasible.
Quarantine of contaminated structures and areas
Personnel in a shelter or building that is suspected of
Instruction in the proper care of cuts or wounds
being contaminated with biological agents should wear
Use of approved sources of food and drink
their protective masks until they leave the building.
High standards of personal hygiene and, when
practical, avoidance of practices that produce a
All exposed surfaces are assumed to be contaminated.
run-down condition. This assists personnel in fighting
Sealed containers, such as bottles and cans containing
an infection. The importance of good protective mask
food and water, should be washed down and boiled
discipline and proper field sanitation measures must be
before opening.
reporting of sickness serves two major purposes:
Indications of a Biological Attack
1. It gives medical personnel the opportunity to
identify the biological agent to which the individuals
These are indications of a biological attack.
were exposed. Once the disease has been identified,
Low-flying aircraft that appear to be producing a
effective medical measures can be taken.
mist or spray
2. It helps to prevent the spread of disease from
The function of any type of spray device
person to person.