suffer ill effects, even if they are well protected by
or death. The main objective of first aid is to get the body
clothing, because cold affects the body system slowly,
temperature down as quickly as possible.
almost without notice. As the body temperature drops,
Move the victim to the coolest possible place, and
there are several stages of progressive discomfort and
remove as much clothing as possible. Body heat can be
disability. The first symptom is shivering, which is an
reduced quickly by immersing the victim in a cold-water
attempt by the body to generate heat. This is followed
bath. When a cold-water bath is not possible, give the
by a feeling of listlessness, drowsiness, and confusion.
victim a sponge bath by applying wet, cold towels to the
Unconsciousness may follow quickly. You will have
whole body. Exposing the victim to a fan or air
already noted signs of shock. As the temperature drops
conditioner also promotes body cooling. When cold
even lower, the extremities (arms and legs) freeze.
packs are available, place them under his arms, around
Finally, death results.
his neck at his ankles, and in his groin. When the victim
TREATMENT. Hypothermia is a MEDICAL
is conscious, give him cool water to drink Do NOT give
him hot drinks or stimulants.
the victim as soon as possible. It may be necessary,
however, to treat other injuries before the victim can be
important to get the victim to a medical facility as soon
moved to a warmer place. Severe bleeding must be
as possible. Cooling measures must be continued during
controlled and fractures splinted over clothing before
the victim is moved.
When the victim is inside a warm place and is
conscious, the most effective method of warming him is
immersion in a tub of warm water (100F to 105F
When the body is subjected to severely cold
[38C to 41C]) or warm to the elbow-never hot). When
temperatures, blood vessels constrict and body heat is
a tub is not available, apply external heat to both sides
gradually lost. As the body temperature drops, tissues
of the victim, using covered hot-water bottles or, if
are easily damaged or destroyed.
necessary, any sort of improvised heating pads. Do not
All cold injuries are similar, varying only in degree
place artificial heat next to bare skin. When immersion
of tissue injury. The extent of injury depends on such
is used, only the body, not the limbs, should be
factors as wind speep, temperature, type and duration of
immersed. Immersion of the arms and legs causes cold
exposure, and humidity. Tissue freezing is accelerated
blood to flow from them to the body core, causing
by wind, humidity, or a combination of the two. Injury
further detrimental cooling of the core. Dry the victim
caused by cold, dry air is less than that caused by cold,
thoroughly when water is used to rewarm him. The most
moist air, or exposure to cold air while you are wearing
frequently recommended field treatment is "buddy
wet clothing. Fatigue, smoking, drugs, alcoholic
warming." Since the victim is unable to generate body
beverages, emotional stress, dehydration, and the
heat, merely placing him under a blanket or in a sleeping
presence of other injuries intensify the harmful effects
bag is not sufficient. For best results, the nude victim
of cold.
should be placed in a sleeping bag with two volunteers
stripped to their shorts to provide body-to-body heat
You should also know that in cold weather, wounds
transfer. This technique can be used by untrained
bleed easily because the low temperatures keep the
personnel in a tent in the field and WILL SAVE
blood from clotting and increased bleeding, of course,
increases the likelihood of shock. Also, wounds that are
open to the cold weather freeze quickly. The body loses
When the victim is conscious, give him warm
heat in the areas around the injury, as blood soaks the
liquids to drink, Hot tea with lots of sugar is particularly
skin around the wound, and clothing is usually torn.
good. No alcoholic beverages, please.
Therefore, early first-aid treatment becomes even more
As soon as possible, transfer the victim to a medical
important during periods of low temperatures.
facility, keeping him warm in route. Be alert for signs of
respiratory failure and cardiac arrest during transfer.
General cooling of the entire body is caused by
continued exposure to low or rapidly dropping
Immersion foot, which may also occur in the hands,
temperatures, cold moisture, snow, or ice. Those persons
exposed to low temperatures for extended periods may
is a cold injury resulting from prolonged exposure to