Figure 10-6.--Correct hand positioning.
This technique is performed with the victim lying
flat, faceup.
1. Position yourself for the thrust by straddling the
victim at the hips.
clear away the matter by inserting a finger into the mouth
and gently sweeping from the inside of one cheek to the
2. Place the heel of one hand on top of the other,
other. Be careful not to force the material into the
slightly above the navel, with the fingers pointing
toward the head.
victim's throat. Next, reposition the victim's head,
ensuring an open airway, and place your ear next to the
3. Give four quick upward thrusts to the abdomen.
victim's nose and mouth. While in this position, listen
Following the cycle of 6 to 10 abdominal thrusts,
and feel for air exchange, and look at the victim's chest
turn the victim's head to one side, and check for loose
and abdomen for movement.
foreign matter with a sweeping movement of the index
finger inside the mouth, then ventilate. Repeat cycles of
If the airway is still obstructed, it may be necessary
6 to 10 abdominal thrusts, finger sweeps, and ventilation
to try to remove the obstruction by using the abdominal
until the obstruction is dislodged or until a rescue team
thrust or chest thrust methods.
For obese or pregnant victims, the chest thrust
When the back blows are unsuccessful, use the
method is recommended for removing airway
abdominal thrust. This procedure pushes air from the
obstructions, since manual pressure to the abdominal
lungs and forces the object from the air passage.
area of these people would either be ineffective or cause
internal damage.
1. Bring your arms under the arms of the victim and
1. Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms
encircle the lower chest, as shown in figure 10-7.
around the victim's waist, as shown in figure 10-5.
2. Position your hands as described for the
2. Make a fist with one hand and place it thumb
abdominal thrust standing technique.
side against the abdomen, slightly above the navel.
3. Keep your fist on the middle of the sternum
3. Grasp the fist with the other hand (fig. 10-6).
(breastbone), not the lower part.
4. Give four quick upward thrusts to the victim.
4. Apply pressure to the chest with quick,
backward thrusts.
The obstruction should pop out like a champagne cork.