Figure 13-28.--Prone position with biped-mounted machine gun.
Figure 13-30.--Prone position with tripod-mounted machine gun.
Figure 13-31.--Sight alignment.
Figure 13-29.--Imaginary line.
and your elbows should be inside the tripod legs, but not
touching the tripod. Your left hand should grasp the
permanent defensive positions, machine gun
elevating handwheel, palm down to accomplish all
emplacements may be dug deep enough so the gunner
manipulation. When firing and aiming, exert firm
may stand while firing.
pressure to the rear with both hands as you would when
firing from the biped.
BIPOD-MOUNTED GUN.-- When firing the M60
from the biped (fig. 13-28), you must assume a prone
Sighting and Aiming
position at the rear of the gun. Your right shoulder should
be placed firmly against the butt stock group and under
After the proper range (elevation) and windage
the raised shoulder rest. An imaginary straight line,
(deflection) have been set on the sights, they must be
extending through the barrel and receiver, should pass
properly aligned with the target. This is done by
through your right shoulder and hip (fig. 13-29). Your
manipulating the T & E mechanism.
legs should be spread comfortably apart, with your heels
down (when possible). Grasp the handgrip with your
SIGHT ALIGNMENT.-- To align the sights of the
right hand and place your index finger on the trigger.
M60 machine gun correctly, center the front sight blade
Place your left hand palm-down over the rear of the feed
vertically in the aperture of the rear sight slide. The top
cover and apply downward pressure. Rest your cheek
of the front sight blade should be even with the top of
against your hand and the feed cover. While aiming and
the rear sight slide (fig. 13-31).
firing, exert firm pressure to the rear with both hands.
SIGHT PICTURE.-- With the sight properly
TRIPOD-MOUNTED GUN.-- The firing position
aligned, obtain a 6 o'clock sight picture on the target
when firing from the tripod mount (fig. 13-30) is similar
(fig. 13-32). Always aim at the center base of the target
to the position used when firing from the biped. The
for your initial burst of fire. When shooting at enemy
difference is that the hinged shoulder rest is not used,
personnel, aim at their beltlines.