Figure 2-26.--Folding poncho for carry over pistol belt only.
Shelter Half
Figure 2-25.--Folding poncho for carry with load-carrying
The shelter half is made of water-repellent and
mildew-resistant cotton duck. It is 154 1/4 inches
long and has a triangular fly at each end. It is issued
The poncho can be folded and packed for carrying
to you with five tent pins, a guy line, and a
with your individual load-carrying equipment or for
three-section tent pole. The shelter half, when
carrying over your pistol belt. It can be carried in a
joined to another shelter half by buttons or snap
duffel bag or inside the field pack, if space permits.
fasteners, forms a shelter for two persons. Be sure
See figures 2-25 and 2-26 for steps in folding the
when you are issued your gear that your friend has