Figure 2-35.--Camouflage cover.
Figure 2-36.--Mosquito hat and net over helmet.
Mounting the Camouflage Cover
1. Put the cover (fig. 2-35) over the helmet so the
end marked "front" covers the bill of the helmet.
Special issue items are items not listed in the
2. Pull the cover over the back and sides of the
standard issue. These items are designed to increase
helmet and thread each end of the chin strap through the
your comfort, capability, and personal safety. Though
slits on the sides of the helmet.
the following list of items is not complete, it includes
3. Extend the six cover retaining tabs down and
the most significant items that you will be issued.
around the fixed web strap of the suspension system (not
Armor vest
the headband). Fasten the tab onto itself with the hook
Mountain sleeping bag
and pile closure.
Sleeping mat
4. Now, place the elastic helmet band over the
helmet and cover.
Canvas cot and insect bar frame
Insect bar
Hat and Mosquito Net
Camouflage band
Wear the hat and mosquito net for protection against
mosquitoes and other insects (fig. 2-36). The cloth
toppiece has an elastic suspension that fits over the head
The armor vest (armor, body, fragmentation
or helmet. Metal rings hold the net away from the face
protective) is more commonly called a "flack jacket."
and neck even when you are sleeping. The hat and
There are many types in use, but they are all designed
mosquito net fit over the collar in back and are held in
to provide protection against low-weight, high-velocity
place in front by two elastic loops that can be attached
shell, mortar, and grenade fragments. These fragments
to the pocket buttons of the shirt. An elastic draw tape
cause the major portion of combat casualties. For best
at the bottom may be drawn tight when the head net is
results from the armored vest, observe the following
not fastened to the pocket buttons.