Figure 4-17.--Squad column, fire teams in wedge.
Figure 4-19.--Squad echelon right or left, fire teams in wedge.
Figure 4-20.--Squad line, fire teams in wedge.
Squad Wedge and Squad Vee
The squad wedge (fig. 4-1 8) and squad vee (fig.
4-16) formations provide good security to both the front
and the flanks. These formations are relatively easy to
maneuver and control and can be quickly adapted to
Figure 4-18.--Squad wedge, fire teams in wedge.
meet new tactical situations. The nature of the terrain
generally determines which of the two formations
Squad Column
should be used, the amount of frontage to cover, and the
proximity and actions of the enemy.
In SQUAD COLUMN (fig. 4- 17), the fire teams are
arranged in succession, one behind the other. This
Squad Echelon Right or Left
formation is vulnerable to fire from the front, but
In squad echelon right or left, the fire teams are
controlling and maneuvering are easy. It is especially
placed diagonally, one behind the other (fig. 4-19). This
suitable for wow, covered routes of advance; for
formation is used to protect an exposed flank,
maneuvering through gaps between areas receiving
hostile artillery fire; for maneuvering through woods;
particularly when the enemy is known to be on that
and for moving in fog, smoke, or darkness.
flank. From this formation, maximum firepower can be