CHECKPOINTS are points along the patrol route
execute the mission. At other times, a strong combat
from which the patrol is expected to report in-usually
patrol may be needed. In general, a patrol is comprised
by radio.
of the least number of men needed to carry out a given
mission, with careful thought given to safety, time
The GENERAL ROUTE is usually designated by
available, and messenger requirements.
checkpoints. An exact route is seldom feasible except in
reconnaissance. When command desires to maintain
The size of a patrol is influenced by the following
strict control of the patrol, the order may specify an exact
1. Mission
2. Terrain and visibility
the patrol must make and the medium (usually radio) by
3. Distance from friendly troops
which they are to be sent.
4. Time the patrol will be out
5. Number of messages the patrol may have to send
A particular patrol formation. should provide for
6. Whether prisoners are to be captured and sent
all-around security and good control. The formation
chosen should be such that only a minimum number of
Patrols with missions requiring combat or a strong
men within the patrol are likely to be pinned down at
likelihood of combat are usually stronger than patrols
any one time by surprise fire.
Patrol formations must be fluid and flexible. They
to be gone for some time and is going to operate at a
must be changed to meet varying terrain and visibility
considerable distance from friendly troops, the patrol
conditions. The patrol leader designates the original
must be stronger because there is greater danger from
formation. Individual members then maintain assigned
enemy attack.
positions as long as they can see each other and, at the
A reconnaissance patrol rarely exceeds a squad in
same time, make full use of available cover and
size. Units larger than a squad are too noisy, more
difficult to control, move more slowly, and have greater
Patrols use basic combat formations. For small
difficulty approaching the enemy without detection. The
patrols in open terrain, the wedge is a suitable formation.
For larger patrols or when visibility becomes restricted,
The patrol leader receives a PATROL ORDER
the column formation, with its necessary security
elements, should be used.
containing all the instructions, information, and
guidance needed to plan, prepare for, and accomplish a
When enemy contact is near or has already been
particular type of mission. Patrol orders are discussed
made, patrol leaders should adopt more deployed
further in chapter 11.
A patrol order varies according to circumstances,
Normally, the following factors influence and
change a patrol formation:
The TIME OF DEPARTURE may be in general
terms: "Leave after dark" or "Leave before daylight."
However, a patrol order may give a specific time of
departure to avoid congestion in a particular area, to
reduce the possibility of collision between patrols, to
Enemy situation
maintain strict control by the command, or for other
Size of patrol
The TIME OF RETURN maybe either general or
Required speed of movement
specific. Information obtained by a reconnaissance
The formations taken by a patrol are ALWAYS
patrol can have a significant impact on future combat
influenced by the need for maintaining
operations. Every effort must be made to provide reports
at the time(s) specified.
1. security,